Challenge #02492-F302: One Doorway to BondingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in fiction •  5 years ago  (edited)


A Human, a Kilper and a Drumtun walk into a bar and never leave. The reason why is because they got stuck on the doorframe in the washroom -- Anon Guest

Thrikkuk, designated Companion to Human Bob, gasped. "Did they die?"

Human Bob sputtered, "What? No. It's a joke. It isn't real. It's supposed to be funny. Kilper and Drumtun exudants together create this kind of natural glue, so..."

"That's very toxic," said Thrikkuk. "You should stay away from that when it happens. I have heard a solvent of citric acid can neutralise the adhesive and dissolve it."

Human Bob seemed to be reassessing her life up to this point. "Okay. I can see we're going to have to start with Baby's First Joke Book here. Your lot aren't ready for more sophisticated humour."

"What would be an example of such?"

"Uuuhhh. Let's go simple. A writer, a director, and camera operator walk into a bar. Clang, clang, clang, but the producer was engrossed in their data-reader." Bob mimed the head-down hunch of someone engrossed in their arm-screen."

"You were correct, I am not ready for that level of humour," confessed Thrikkuk. "I do not even understand it."

"Do you know knock-knock jokes?" Bob was feeling a little desperate about this whole bonding exercise by now. She preferred comedy, but Thrikkuk and his cadre of delicate little Havenworlders were stressing her the flakk out.

"Yes! We are familiar with the knock-knock humour."

"Oh thank the Powers. Okay. Knock-knock."

"Who is there?" chanted Thrikkuk, finally eager to be participating.


"Arch who?"

"I have a tissue for your sniffles."

It still took Thrikkuk a moment to get it. When they did, the result was nearly explosive. That one, simple joke, was a comedy hit on the ship.

Bob could breathe again. The ice was officially broken. Next was acclimating to each other's Funny Little Ways, but that was a far longer process. In the meantime, Bob had potential weeks to get tired of that one joke.

[AN: A variant of this knock-knock joke, with the punchline: "Bless you!" was the first joke my youngest learned, and then told for like a year. It was adorable]

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / kirstypargeter]

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And then they move onto puns and everything is awful 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh no, not PUNS! Especially the groaners!

Puns definitely require GalStand Complex and possibly an advanced degree in linguistics.