Love and all it is

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

Love is the simplest thing in the world yet, the hardest to understand for it is unbounded, universal, timeless. It is so simple it pervades all things, the building blocks of life itself are bound by it. It is the thread that runs through all, everywhere, at all times.

How can something so large be grasped by a limited mind, how can one possibly think that it can understand what it can be? A limited mind must instead box it, label it, limit it to be absorbable into its folds. It cannot let it be for to do so means to accept the unknowable for what it is.

Love has been changed to be possessive, you love me, I love you but how can the unlimited have an end, ho can one fall out of what is always there? That is not love, that is conditional.

I will love you as long as you act the way I expect from you, the way I want you to, the way that makes me feel good about myself. Do not change, for change is unacceptable to me, change is unlovable.

Conditions met or unmet do not shift love as it is unmovable for it moves with all movement. There is no distinction between it and anything else, it cannot be separated, dissected or destroyed no matter the attempts. It is not a concept of the mind, it is the condition of reality itself. Not believing changes nothing, there is no choice in the matter, no matter how one thinks or feels.

Does this go against your concepts of love? Did you think that your true love was yours? Did you realise that your understanding was equivalent to hoarding fool's gold believing yourself to be wealthy?

Most probably you believe me to be wrong and you to be right. You will proclaim I know love! yet feel cold and empty inside. That feeling is not reality, that is the construction of your mind, a veil of illusion and delusion that hides what is true from sight. A lie you tell yourself for you fear the endless expanse that is laid out in front of you. You embrace the ground you stand on instead of choosing to fly, swim and run free.

So many suffering at their own hands all because they are unwilling to let go of their beliefs, release the expectations they have of how they know it should be. The truth does not care for belief, it is not mutable, it is singular, constant, there is no other version of truth. This is hard to come to terms with, especially when what you believe to be true is not what you experience.

You think that the world is wrong, that life made the mistake. There is no mistake in reality for a mistake would indicate choice, but these options do not exist. There is truth and there is nothing. But nothing does not exist except in concept for there is always something, even if it appears to be a void a vacuum where nothing resides.

Around and around in circles of beliefs, shifting and changing as the tides come and go. Each person, each group, each generation, each civilisation thinking that they have got it worked out at last, that they finally know. They all think they have found love and captured it for their own pleasure.

Love cannot be captured for it is both the butterfly and the net, the spider and the jar. What they think they hold is only a drop of the reality so big it is all that it can be, all that can ever be. To understand is to know all there is to know.

Are these concepts hard to grasp? Why so? Who do you think you are talking to here? I am but a mirror.

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Love is... an opening. In a sense, an invitation to embrace exactly what is; to embrace someone for precisely what they are at any given moment. Most other forms of love strike me as "transactional," and then it stops being love at ALL... as you alluded to... I will love you for as long as what you do pleases me, but when that stops I no longer love you.

Love without limits and conditions is rare, though. People find something-- a connection-- and cling to it like it is a "thing" or something you can own. You can't.

Love simply IS. And more often than not, it is also the answer.

'I love you' is too often said as passive aggressive possessive. If one takes ownership, one fears to lose it that fear encourages manipulation and resentment. How can it be love?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Love has been changed to be possessive, you love me, I love you but how can the unlimited have an end, ho can one fall out of what is always there? That is not love, that is conditional.

I think this has got to do with the way our society has been shaped: monogamous relationships. We are so determined to find "The One" that we end up forgetting about the true meaning of what we seek. Being able to love unconditionally is a trait most of us lack. When we give, we seem to expect something in return.

So many suffering at their own hands all because they are unwilling to let go of their beliefs, release the expectations they have of how they know it should be.

This. Beliefs are impossible to tackle. You can never convince one of something they don't believe in. This is why I've given up on trying to convince someone of something. So many societies suffer from dated beliefs and norms. I come from a culture that still looks down upon people because of the "caste" they're born in or the type of occupation they have. What happens when someone objects? They're outcasts. Rebels.

I think the notion of constructive criticism should always be welcome. Love, empathy, humility, and gratitude can conquer a lot.

I've enjoyed your posts a lot so I'm going to follow you so I can see more of your thoughts on my feed!

I think the notion of constructive criticism should always be welcome.

People often embrace the idea when it is they criticising another, being on the receiving end is met with much more resistance.

Thanks for the follow and welcome back any time.

This is so true. Life became better when you just give pure love. I love what you write. I follow you!!

"...I love you but how can the unlimited have an end, how can one fall out of what is always there"..
Well this is exactly what happens in our world today. Give pure love and do not use it or say these magic words because you think you're obligated to. Love is unconditional. Well written, thanks for sharing @tarazkp

@tarazkp Well written! Totally agreed! Love is what saved our species from extinction in the first place. Compassion is essential to humanity's safety and evolution.

Highest Regards

When i see this post, I just think about 'Love is an open door' from Frozen. haha :) It's good post friend! I upvote!

Love is the strongest Magic In The Multiverse. A Mystery Which Has Made Life Worth Living..Nice article.

Spoken like someone in love

...Love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure

A beautiful definition of love is in corinthians 13 4-8.

You wrote: "I will love you as long as you act the way I expect from you, the way I want you to, the way that makes me feel good about myself. Do not change, for change is unacceptable to me, change is unlovable".
I think that is not love at all. That's like having a toy and when it's broken you throw it away. Real love is unconditional. Like the love of your children, whatever they do you will still love them, even if they should turn against you, you will still love them.
When you love a man or a woman, you want to be happy, but you also want him or her to be happy also. This kind of love can disappear when two people grow apart because one or both partners don't try to love the other as themselves. When you grow older you understand that love is more giving, than taking. When you are so lucky your partner also believes this, then you can have a happy partnership, for better and for worse.