RE: Finish the Story Contest - Week #44!

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Finish the Story Contest - Week #44!

in finishthestory •  6 years ago 

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There have just been a wealth of amazing entries this week, and it was pretty much between everyone, it was just so hard to decide, and there was so much depth, and wisdom, in so many of these tales. I could go on even more about the merits of so many as my fellow chases of the yellow-finned greatness really outdid themselves this week, but cutting to the chase, voting for @theironfelix

There are so many wonderful entries--hats off to Marco for laying the foundation. I think this week I will go with @amirani. His was the first I read, and in a way I think he helped to inspire my thinking. It was an ending with such clarity and insight.
But, good luck to all... those who used poetry to help the story to soar, and those who used a sense of eternal justice. Everybody is a winner this week.

I'm throw my cast out for I had fun with that one.

Ok, just finished reading and almost forgot to vote!

I vote for @agmoore most definitely! Because "atonement" was the first thing that came to my mind when I read this ending, and it has been a really important term for me this week!

I will vote for @amirani. Great story.

I can not choose. They are all excellent!
I have a weakness for stories that end well, or in which at least there is a final illumination.
In this sense, I think my favorites can be @amirani, @agmoore, @stever82, @sarez (the most original!)
But... @cyemela and @theironfelix went further, using poetry with mastery to describe the inner struggle of the protagonist, and his self-analysis process, the killing, metaphorical or real, of the part of himself that constituted the enemy. Between the two, the most titanic and majestic work is that of @theironfelix, and for this reason my vote goes to him.

@amirani's ending, I think. Brief and poignant.