Restaurant Tips - Eat Half, Save Half

in fitness •  7 years ago 

Hey friends!

I get a lot of questions about how to handle eating out at restaurants while still making progress toward health and fitness goals... Since this is such a common topic, I thought it might be a helpful little segment to bring up now and again so I can recommend some of my favorite tricks to help everyone enjoy life while staying on track!

The easiest tip, and the first one I suggest to my clients, is to order something you truly want from the menu and just eat HALF.

As soon as your meal is set down in front of you, cut it, divide it up, or even have your server bring you a box right away if you need that little extra dose of accountability. Commit to setting aside (or go ahead and pack up) the half you're not going to eat, and then get busy on the half that you're about to enjoy!

Savor the taste, smell, and texture of your food. Chew slowly, put down your utensils between bites, and enjoy the company of the people you're with. Think of this meal as an indulgence, rather than just slamming your food as fast as you can. Drink lots of water in between bites - not only to help you feel more satisfied, but also to allow you to taste each bite fully!

Once you've finished your half of your meal, that's it. A lot of times we think we need or want to eat more food in the moment, but if we decide to wait and allow some time to pass, we realize that we're a lot more satisfied than we thought. Sometimes it takes our bodies a few moments to catch up, so take your time!

An important point to note is that you DO NOT have to feel stuffed, or even full, to have gotten what you need from a meal. Especially here in the US where portions are huge and we're accustomed to cleaning our plates, there's a pattern of eating until everything is gone, or until we can't possibly eat another bite - neither of which are particularly helpful or necessary.

Also on that note, portions at restaurants can be so large and so calorie-dense that even though you're only consuming half of what's been served to you, it may very well contain a whole normal meal's worth of calories - or MORE!

Now that nutrition information is becoming more readily available for restaurants, take a peek online and see what you can find... More often than not, I am astounded when I look at the nutrition facts for restaurant meals! Even the portion sizes that don't seem unusually large can pack a tremendous caloric punch. Half of a meal like that can still be a major undertaking!

So give this technique a try and let me know what you think! I like this option because it still lets you eat exactly what you want without going overboard on the portion size, thus avoiding the potential sabotage of an overall healthy day.

Flavor, aroma, texture, and appearance is what makes food special - remember that you can still enjoy all of those things while eating a smaller quantity. Slow down, appreciate each bite, and pack up the rest for later.

You can even go a step further and give your leftovers away, share with a friend, or bring them home for a family member :) I do this a lot when I go out with my girlfriends - Chris is always happy when I come home with a treat for him!

I hope this helps some of you to continue enjoying your festive times out at restaurants while making more progress as you go :) I'd love to hear about how this method works for you!

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Half of what you truely want to eat sound so much better than a whole of something you can’t stand lol! I’m splitting my naughty meals with friends from now on! Like hey man you keen to go half’s in a burger lol

Looks so good. I would eat it all and the plate. Maybe even the table. #yum #straightedgeaugust

Interesting suggestion

Helpful suggestion! I usually share one dish with my boyfriend in order to avoid overeating. But sometimes the waiters don't like it 😄

It'd be great is restaurants can allow patrons to order and pay for only half a meal, and then have another patron order the remaining half.. something like that