Road to fitness: Starter kit. How do I start?

in fitness •  7 years ago 

Everybody keeps telling you to be healthy, eat healthy and exercise. As if it were that easy!

Well, honestly it is both simple and difficult. Simple in the sense that it's so easy to say it, you just blurt it out. What makes it difficult is doing it, but what's even harder is sustaining it.

Sometimes, we find that we can start something but we can't sustain the process. Some even gets stuck in the process of starting. Really, the big question is how do I start? and the next bigger question is how do I keep this up?

Let's try to answer that. Here are some suggestions I'd like to share.

I've been an athlete most of my life. Movement & fitness has become part of my identity, but I still struggle with training as well because it's never perfect and it doesn't stop. It is a lifestyle - and this is what you have to keep in mind.

Remember this, Make it a part of you and you will never part from it.

1) Decide. Now.

Everything starts with a decision. Decide to start now. Don't wait for tomorrow to be a day of regret.

How do I start?

Start slow and start simple.

  • Walking. This is one of the simplest and most effective activity you can do.
  • Warm-ups and slight stretching. Don't be rash and don't do things abruptly. Know your limitations and slowly stretch it. You don't want to injure yourself from straining your muscles. Remember, we're still starting and we're aiming to sustain this active lifestyle.
  • Do chores and activities that make you move. Be the one to get your glass of water or that remote, use the stairs, get off your phone or go out of your house. Clean your house and organize your things. These are pretty basic things you can do but it helps a lot to get you going.

What's next?

Build it up from there and gradually increase your activities.

  • Make a routine. Sometimes, we find that it's harder to continue than to start. So keep moving one foot forward. It doesn't matter if you do it slowly, just keep moving. Those basic and little things I've mentioned develops into a routine and they could help you keep going.
    • Write down your activities and to-dos daily.
    • Keep track of your progress. You'll be amazed with how much you've improved.
    • Adjust as necessary. Not every activity fits our body and personality. If it's causing you stress (mentally and physically), perhaps it's a sign to adjust your routine or activities.
  • Increase the intensity of your movements and stretch your limits some more. You could do more activities or extend your time limit for each activity. If unsure, you can ask people who are well-versed in the field of fitness.

2) Mindset

Commit to your Goals. We have all been told countless times that we have to set our goals, but we realize that setting the goals isn't what we lack, rather it is the commitment to follow through and the conviction to reach those goals. When you decided to start, add your commitment to push through with it.

Maintain your motivation. Sustain your commitment. It is easy to quit but keep in mind that it is more painful to regret because of quitting. In the ladder of progress, you have climbed up so far, you really do not want to go back to the first step.

  • Those goals that you've set, write it down and aim to reach it.
  • Check your progress, break your records and go over your limits. You'll be surprised at the things you thought you can't do but have now become easy for you.
  • Set new goals. It's a never ending process. Keep challenging yourself but have fun while doing it. There's that sense of fulfillment when you've reached your goal. Make yourself proud!

Believe. It's not enough to just say it, believe it and believe in it. In the end, it's what you keep telling yourself that matters. Be your best supporter and motivator.

You can be anything you want to be if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. - Napoleon Hill

3) Enjoy and have fun.

Exercise and progression. If you have become confident with your movements then raise the bar. After walking and warm-ups, jog then you can run. You can do squats, burpees, planks or start lifting if you want. Choose an exercise that fits you. It might be intimidating in the beginning and tiring along the way, but you'll get better, stronger and faster in process.

Just make sure you pace yourself. Don't keep on copying other people's workout or try beating their records. Again, choose a workout that fits you and pace yourself.

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Movement. Personally, the best way to fitness is just to decide to move. You don't necessarily have to drag yourself to the gym and push yourself to lift those weights. Just move, play and have fun. The rest will follow.

4) Live it.

Fitness is a mindset. Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle. Do not think of it as a punishment or an impossible and tiring job. Enjoy what you're doing and love yourself.

Exercise for the right reasons -because you want to be healthy, because you want to do things without feeling physically and mentally incapacitated, because you love and respect yourself enough to do what it is good for you, not because other people make you feel ugly and unattractive.

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Decide to start. Commit to do it. Enjoy the process. Live a life you're proud of. Success will follow. REPEAT!!!

Hope you had a good read. Keep it awesome! 👊

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What a great post to get people to start moving. You’re right it IS both simple and hard. This made it easier. Great job!

Decide to start. Commit to do it. Enjoy the process. Live a life you’re proud of. Success will follow. REPEAT.

Great stuff! I also love the focus on setting goals and having the right mindset. As well as doing it for the right reasons—because your worth it! I might add that if you can save the money to hire a trainer, it is invaluable (a quality trainer that is). They are knowledgeable about HOW to reach your goals and can hold you accountable. When you pay for a service, you value it and you put more effort in.

Thank you! I'm glad it had a positive effect on you.

Yes, having a trainer to guide them would really help especially when they're not yet well-versed with body mechanics, posture and technicalities of movement.

I see you're into fitness as well. I hope we can urge people to move and be confident with themselves, and hopefully they start their plans for fitness after reading this post. 😊