Good day Everyone
Day 3 was tough, but pulled it through. Here is today”s summery:
Early morning picture to track my progress - Day 3
Toldays Timeline events:
- 1 Cup of black Coffee (07:40am)
- 1.5L water ( 08:15-12:00pm )
- 1 Cup of Black Coffee ( 10:00am)
- 1 Cup of tea (14:00pm)
- 1.5L of Still water (14:15-16:00pm)
- Gym (17:00pm)
- Dinner (19:00pm)
Chicken kebabs with salad
Weight: 122.30kg
Fitness level: Day 3. Body is sore- Still very Poor
Gym Program
- 5min Row machine warmup, level 10-Distance,1310m
1 - 10x10 Tricep extensions - 30kg
1 - 10x15 situps
1 - 10x15 side to side
2 - 10x10 Lat pulldown - 40kg
2 - 10x20 Mouintainclimbers
Supersets today were: 3 exercises in superset 1 and 2 exercises in superset 2. In total, 700 reps were done.
Till next time...