Body weight: 252.6lbs (+2lbs)
Calories burned: 3256
Calories eaten: 2548 (189g protein, 128g carb, 144g fat)
Steps taken: 10,241
Rest Day
After three days' training and a busy schedule, I was happy to have a rest day today. I'm feeling pretty good overall, a little fatigued, and my calves are starting to complain a bit. Despite it being a rest day, I still managed to log over 10,000 steps, so I was a bit more active than usual.
I wanted to make sure to get the steps in to help flush my legs and calves out so that I'll be able to walk normally tomorrow, since DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) usually kicks in 48 hours after exercise.
I lowered my protein intake about 25% and inadvertently ended up eating more fats today. It was an atypical food day, so the intake estimates were less precise than usual, but I feel good and am in my target caloric deficit zone, so all should be good.
My weight did pop two pounds today, so back to where I started on that front, but I can feel my body starting to firm up and am not concerned. As training progresses, intensity and calorie burn will increase, which will lead to greater fat burning. Small changes and consistency over time FTW. :)
I've been seeing some research that backs my long-held belief that doing fasted cardio is the best way to not only increase lipolysis, but also results in increases in HGH levels and increased abdominal blood flow, so it may turn out that it is optimal for losing belly fat. More research is supporting that spot reduction my indeed be possible. We shall see.
Arms and abs tomorrow - should be well-rested and ready to blast away!
Feel free to read my original post about the why and how I'm doing this challenge: GymSamurai: One Year Birthday Fitness Challenge Begins or view my feed at @imagin8orr to see each day's workout log.