"Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it." - Camille Paglia
Body weight: 252.8lbs (+0.8lbs)
Calories burned: 3074
Calories eaten: 2285 (174g protein, 172g carbs, 95g fat)
Steps taken: 5741
Workout duration: 40 min
Today was supposed to be a rest day, but since I skipped doing abs yesterday, I wanted to get them done today. I've had a lovely day, starting out with a cool Fit3d body scan at the gym (I'll detail in another post), catching up on some WSOP and TdF t.v. coverage, playing video games, and napping a fair amount. I even ate a whole bag of mini rice cakes! Boy do I know how to party... :)
Hanging leg raise: 10/10/10
Hip raise: 10/10/10
Rope crunch: 88x15/12/10
TRX rollouts: 10/10/10
Medicine ball twist: 20x1:00/1:00/1:00
(It's only 6pm, so calorie numbers aren't final)
Finished up with another 15-minute hydromassage (love) and am feeling really good that I got to the gym for abs. Given that I'll be starting tomorrow's back day out with deadlifts, I didn't want to miss training abs because I'm going to need the core/stabilizer strength in them as my deadlift weight goes up. The hydromassage keeps my back/hams loose and helps work the lactic acid out of my calves - which, surprisingly, are still a bit sore from Wednesday.
I am really stoked about the Fit 3D body scan I did this morning - it not only gives bodyfat and lean mass percentages, but it precisely measures neck, chest, waist, hips, arms and legs and gives you an animated GIF of your body rotating 360 degrees. As a 3D guy, I find this really cool and can't wait to play with it more. Post on this coming soon...
Deadlifts and back tomorrow - Bring It!
Feel free to read my original post about the why and how I'm doing this challenge: GymSamurai: One Year Birthday Fitness Challenge Begins or view my feed at @imagin8orr to see each day's workout log.