My body acts rigid

in fitness •  last month 

A few days of break in the fitness routines and my body gets stiff again. This is one big problem that I always face, even a 10 days break and after that when I again start doing it, I feel like I am doing it for the very first time. Today even my instructor was telling me, how does your body become so still in such a short span. 10 days is a long break, in just 2 days also it goes stiff. That's why I have to keep doing it every single day. I have never been able to identify this reason all along but then this is one major problem area for me and I do not know how to deal with it.


Since I was travelling back and forth, I had taken a 2 weeks break from all the fitness routines. Since last 2 days I again started and hell, I could not even bend down completely and touch my ankle. It took me 2 days time to free up myself and today it has been a little better. This really keeps bothering me, I have even discussed this problem with my Doctor, he has checked everything, bone density, muscle mass and all of that and says everything is perfectly fine and there is nothing from medical side that needs attention for this problem. He says may be from childhood times only my joints have not opened up well and because of that this can be a problem. This problem has come up only after my back surgery, before that it was not much of an issue.

Anyways whatever it is I need to keep myself flexible as much as possible to avoid all this stiffness in the body. My hubby tells me jokingly that my body is also just like me; stubborn....haha.

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I think your husband can be quite happy with his stiff wife ;-))

I also do sports, but I always prefer rest days between activities. To recover the muscles, tendons,... As far as I know, this is also in line with current recommendations. I would also be interested to know why your condition immediately deteriorates (if you ever find a reason...)

He feels happy because he does not exercise at all and still is very flexible, so he tells me no point in doing it ;-)
I wish I can figure it out :-(

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