Tip: Why negative reps for your shoulder?

in fitness •  9 years ago 

Seated lateral raise is quite a simple exercise but?

Goal: Warm-up like your shoulder rotation

Sets: 3-4 rounds if you feel reactive your pump!

Reps: 10-12 reps 

Tempo: 4010(4 second negative get down weight)

perform it 100% with the negative movement is different than a classic fast movements.(better feel pump, more blood gets over the riverbed)
Lateral raises is my favorite exercise for shoulder side separator
always performed at the beginning of the exercise. I change place standing or sitting.
technique consists in mind, always as you perform this exercise feel on the shoulders and in the top positions consciously as if you have shed a bottle in the hands turning the (by flipping the) fix the shoulder rotators so amazing. Not lifted higher above the shoulders! in a plane then back down by running not completely to the bottom but the tension maintained.

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I think the rotator cuffs are probably one of the most common injuries with lifting. People dont understand the importance of warming up .

Of course therefore to do warm up always