Just do you . Fashion and fitness .

in fitness •  7 years ago 

It's undeniable that the fitness industry has taken a huge turn since the arrival of social media apps Instagram and snapchat. Its everyday I open my Instagram and see a barrage of pictures of healthy food, new trainers and toned yoga bodies. !
I think it's a great thing that it's now fashionable to take your fitness seriously, and also to control your diet. More people include super foods like chia seeds and kale into their diet , which about 5 years ago were impossible to find in super markets as it was not popular!
For fitness instructors and pts like me , it's fantastic as more people should be interested in my business and service. It's a good time to be alive as we are healthier than ever !
However , there is a slight dark side to the brightness of leafy greens and gojis. Young girls and women are developing an unhealthy relationship between their self confidence and what they perceive they should have based on popular Instagram fitness pages. Even myself as a very well trained and fed individual, look at these pages and envy the lifestyle of yoga poses in the sunshine and fresh juices everyday. Trying to eat food that's Instagram worthy everyday is just not feasible, unless you have an unlimited supply of money. Of course it would be a great dream to shop in planet organic or to order a fresh ginger and almond milk latte everyday, but alas beautiful food doesn't come cheap. So one thing to bare in mind when following fitness food, is be more savy, look for deals, find non branded alternatives. Tescos porridge oats are just as good as fancy packaged oats at double the price.
The next thing is the bodies. You'd think my Instagram feed was that of a mans the amount of bums I look at everyday. However, the fitness pages I follow , love to display a big round 🍑 on the regular, so it's not surprising many women are desperately striving to get one. (And some even buying them.)
The matter of fact is, some are born with the genetics to have big butts, some aren't. Of course you can build muscle, but the final result may not be as impressive as the one online. It's important to not get too hung up on trying to achieve the body you wish you had but instead work hard and be confident with the body you do have .
Now it's undeniable that Instagram has become a huge platform for people to not just share their photos but almost compete with everyone on who's life is better. Who goes out more, who trains most , who has better holidays. But not only this but it's a huge playground for advertisement and money making,and this is where the disappointment comes. These mega fit , super toned people who are supposed to inspire you are not actually as perfect as you think. Lots of photos are regurgitated . The fitness fanatic is actually sitting on their armchair re posting themselves in their prime after gorging on a dominos pizza and side of ice cream. I have no qualms towards people who do this. If this is how they want to make money , or they feel more self worth by living their life as a lie , that's their decision. But this is where I feel fitness and positive lifestyle looses its authenticity. It encourages young people to feel negatively about themselves as they can't keep up with a life they admire . It can cause confidence issues and sometimes extreme behaviour.
So this is my pledge to social media. I will remain authentic as an athlete in order to inspire. I'll be honest about my lifestyle and how sometimes i do have to let go a bit . But to me this lifestyle is not a front or a money making tool. I genuinely love to be fit and healthy. It makes me feel good and helps me to keep a strong and positive mindset . I love training with my friends and having fun. No more trying to be someone else, just do you. image.jpeg

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insta & snapchat have got warped over time. You see people here trying the same tactics, but it doesn't last. This is a much better place for keeping it real.

Now. Bacon!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@lloyddavis That's right, I no longer believe anything I see on Instagram after getting an insight into the amount of tools and tricks available to distort one's figure, everything from liquefying tools to make waists smaller and muscles look bigger, to apps that stretch your legs and make you look taller and leaner—not to mention the use of photos from prime times that no longer reflect the reality of their bodies, as @sofielangsford mentioned.

What I like about Steemit is that its format facilitates the thriving of a more well-rounded content and a more personal insight into different topics, as the visuals are not the only kind of material that people look for in here.

It's upsetting what's it's doing to the new generation. My little brother is 15 and he's very superficial

It's much harder to blag it when you have to have content. I hope steemit remains genuine .

all of these platforms have helped me grow my network and get to know people better. That's where the real value is, because it gives you the opportunity to serve more people imho.

platforms like insta have forgotten that they're made of people.

Yes you are right , sometimes it's more anti social media

Yeah there is a bizarre culture on the internet with this stuff, I think a lot of people seek validation by posting "sexy" stuff online (which to me always just seems comedic haha).

I value health and wellbeing. Interestingly, when I focus on just being as healthy and happy as possible, I start feeling much more attractive... who woulda thought?

Fantastic article. I love yoga, and the fact it teaches you to work with the body you have!