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in food •  8 years ago 
Today’s recipe is super-spicy chicken, called buldak in Korean. The Korean word bul means fire, and dak means chicken, so you can call this “fire chicken.”

저의 포스팅이 좋으셨다면 투표와 팔로우는 라멘걸도 춤추게 합니다^^
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Hello akiran.

welcome upvoted you!

please do not use TAG ; Japanese (it is only fro japanese posts)

next time someone might downvote you. so better use only Korean tag which is kr.

keep on posting !

sorry sir will not do it again.. @knozaki2015

hey. just sent you 2 STeempower ! welcome to steemit !

thats so kind of you @knozaki2015

can you give me some tips ?? to get my foots in ,in this great community

sure. join steemit chat. follow all people who vote you. make friends ;)

thank you very much

Looks delicious, just wondering if those were chicken breasts, they are so BIG :)

What a fantastic recipe and video. Very spicy I am sure but the mozzarella will take away some of the heat. You are a very talented lady. X