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Thanks for the information. cooking at home and make your own coffee is the best

I always said their food tastes like shit.


Interesting that the culprit seems to be the ice machine. I would have thought something more basic like employees not washing their hands after using the bathroom. Anyway, does not put me in the mood for fast food in any country. Probably just stay home and eat road kill. :-)

People still eat McDonalds?

Another reason to stay away from these establishments.

ewww. Good thing I don't eat at any of those places. This article doesn't make me as sad as the one about mac and cheese! Sponge bob square paints mac and cheese... what a loss... still thinking about it.

I can already live without these places ;)

What is the deal with Sponge Bob mac & cheese?

ummm. haven't you had regular sponge bob mac and cheese vs. the regular ones... it tastes so much better! I swear the shape of the noodle makes a difference..

Anyways it doesnt matter. Mac and Cheese from Krafts is bad for ya... so we shouldn't be eating it in the first place.

I totally know the awesome difference in texture, I go for the Annie's bunny-shaped mac & cheese for the same reason and they claim it's organic. I always suspected Kraft was junk..

Anyways I thought there was some juicy story about some contaminated Spongebob mac n cheese, nevermind carry on folks.

LOL In previous post it was just about how Kraft Mac and Cheese has some bad stuff in it... I was joking and asking if that also included the Spongebob mac and Cheese.

I'll have to try our Annie's bunny-shaped mac and cheese. MMmM that could be a good alternative to sponge bob.


Oh man. I think I'm going without the ice for now on. Sick. Thanks for the info. My wife is going to love this one. Cheers. Upvote and RESTEEMED.

Poop! It's everywhere. The nasty employees probably do not wash their hands either. Add this to the list of reasons to stay home and cook your own food. :)

That's nasty

Complacency can be costly and if the pattern is intentional and they seem to be pressing some agenda, they will soon see the wrath of masses. However, nice of KFC shut down some plants to investigate and @doitvoluntarily .


What? Man ... I didn't know what so say!

Interesting news... I'd say VERY interesting. I wonder how long has it been like this ? 1 month ? maybe 1 year ? Who knows, maybe even longer...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Omg i consumed lot of drinks from McDonalds this month :-(

How appetizing:)

What is it - E. Coli?

Escherichia Coli or Ecoli is a bacterium very common and in huge amounts in feces/stool (up to 30% of the feces is bacteria by the way). So if Ecoli is found somewhere there must have been some connection with feces. This can unfortunately happen quite easily. E.g. if you go to the toilet and do some stuff, then the flushing alone stirs up considerable amounts of those bacteria which land on your clothes, your skin etc. Needless to say that also the toilet door handles etc are full of them. No wonder that a manual processing of ice can transfer traces to the ice. Frequent hand washing and changing of clothes would be the only remedy. Of course better to avoid ice at all.

Just about all water contains feces & bacteria even city water has an acceptable level. Osmosis was the best solution but is expensive. The question then is did the test say if the bacteria found was dead or alive?

What is filth, exactly?

The FDA handbook catchily called "Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of Natural or Unavoidable Defects in Foods That Present No Health Hazards for Humans," says that filth is "objectionable matter contributed by insects, rodents, and birds; decomposed material; and miscellaneous matter such as sand, soil, glass, rust, or other foreign substances."

Sounds good enough to eat.

In the booklet, the FDA writes that "it is economically impractical to grow, harvest, or process raw products that are totally free of non-hazardous, naturally occurring, unavoidable defects."

So there is RODENT, BIRD and INSECT filth in most of your food and completely allowable..


WOW!!! That gives a new meaning to having a crappy drink. Would you like a poop er pop with your sandwich? Well I guess they give a ___ at these places. WOW!!! Anybody still thirsty for a McDonalds Soda?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is actually a bit disturbing. Thanks for sharing this post.

What really makes me sick is why people are still eating at MacDonald's! following

It makes me wanna puke! Geez!

You might wanna check my recent post about Watermelon seeds, never thought these seeds has great health benefits. I used to throw them ;) Upvoted and I'm following you now ;)


That's why I take a detour any time I go past one of these dumps, the food even smells like shit. Thanks for sharing.

Yikes. This reminds me why we don't eat there.

I dont really it fastfoods.. I prefer home cooked meals

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I heard about this yesterday.
It is ridiculous if you ask me.
I was going to make the joke that is why their food tastes like shit but seems like someone has beaten me to it haha
Luckily I haven't had much fast food recently but it seems like I may have had some shit when I was younger @doitvoluntarily

This doesn't shock me at all. If the media was honest and they reported the amount of filth in American Restaurants I bet most would end up closing their doors...Did you see all of the Rats in Chipotle? Real Customer Video....

Irrelevant, the food is garbage already.