Loach rice noodle 学习制作泥鳅米粉

in food •  7 years ago 

My first time to eat fried fish is in Wuyuan, Jiangxi, where the specialties are and rice flour with steamed, loach rice noodle this dish, yesterday my first time to see, this Dish is said to be a well-known dish in Fujian, Shaxian snacks are very famous in the country, but I have never seen this dish in the Shaxian snack shop, maybe less people eat, loach is very fishy, I used to cook rice Noodles with shrimp, but with Loach to cook rice noodles, the first time, Loach is wild, there are artificial breeding, when you buying, it is easy to distinguish, loach size of the individual are as big as the color dark black, are breeding, wild loach less and less, the price will be expensive,Need raw materials, noodle and chili sauce, if there is no time to cook, the supermarket to buy 1.5 yuan a pound, add a small amount of salt and cooking wine, Learn together!


我第一次吃粉蒸鱼是在江西的婺源,那里的特色菜都是和米粉一起蒸,泥鳅米粉这道菜,也是我昨天第一次见,这是一位朋友,以前在福建打工学来的,这道菜据说是福建的一道有名的菜,沙县小吃在全国都很有名,但我从未在沙县小吃店见过这道菜,也许是吃的人少, 泥鳅是很腥的, 用河虾煮米粉我见过,但用泥鳅煮米粉,还是第一次, 制作泥鳅米粉没有特别的讲究,只要是不怕腥味就好, 一起来学习下
泥鳅有野生的,也有人工养殖的,购买的时候,很容易区分,泥鳅大小个体都一样大,顔色深黑色,都是养殖的, 野生的泥鳅越来越少了,价格也会贵些
需要原材料, 米粉和辣椒酱,如果没有时间自己制作米粉,超市购买1.5元一斤,有粗粉和细粉, 泥鳅洗干净后,加入小量的食盐和料酒,铁锅倒入猪油,小火煎泥鳅,煎至金黄色捞出, 米粉很容易煮熟,把煎好的泥鳅加入米粉,煮3-5分钟, 一盘泥鳅米粉就做好了.

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gues its as delicious as it looks.... lol. nice. thanks for sharing @elfkitchen

One day I'm going to eat this type of food, looks good !! :))

How its taste? Looking yummy and spicy

Rice noodles is bae......lol

What meal is this

what kind of food is this

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :)

It looks very tasty! Did it end up tasting really fishy? I've never had loach buy I really like chili sauce!
Thank-you very much for sharing!

If you see very little food like that in restaurant, you can open restaurant that cuisine master @elfkitchen.

Hhhhmmmm nyammmiiiii this my favorite food hot :) i like it... Me greting for u follow me back @zuric thanksz

Hmmm its called misua in my place :)

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awesome love this

  ·  7 years ago 


Wow such interesting meals!

Good Post
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