[EN,FR] 🌾🚫 Why you should stop/reduce your gluten intake ??? Pourquoi vous devriez stopper/réduire votre consommation de gluten ??? 🌾🚫

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

My dear steemians,

Today, I want to talk about Gluten! And yes, this word we hear everywhere and that we see a lot in our supermarkets or restaurants with the small symbol "gluten-free". But do you know exactly what Gluten is and why you should reduce or even stop your intake of Gluten? I will try to share my knowledge on the subject my friends! =)

What is gluten?

It is a naturally occurring protein found in some grains such as wheat and oats. At normal rate, it is in principle harmless for your health. Unfortunately, the birth of hybrid cereals has greatly increased the level of gluten in our diet. Which has made it little by little harmful to our health.

The bad effects of gluten

Gluten affects the intestinal wall in its function of absorption of nutrients brought by the diet, which causes negative effects such as:

  • a great tiredness
  • energy decrease
  • irritability
  • fractures by osteoporosis

Gluten can also cause intestinal inflammation that results in:

  • abdominal pain (more or less acute)
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • flatulence

If you notice any of these symptoms and you do not know where it may come from, I suggest you do a food intolerance test.
I did it last summer and I did not know all the acute intolerances I had. Since then, I have changed my diet and I feel much better! = D

Foods that contain gluten

They are numerous because gluten is present in all foods that contain wheat, spelled, barley, rye, oats and kamut.

In fact, just about all the good stuff you've been eating since being a child 😅:

  • bread and pastries
  • cereal bars
  • pasta
  • pizzas
  • pies
  • cakes...

But not only, gluten is used as an additive in most processed products like:

  • soy sauce
  • ready-to-use industrial sauces
  • the charcuterie (yes I did not know that a few months ago ... ^^)
  • candies

Fortunately, gluten is not an essential health substance, so it can be eliminated or reduced without major consequences.
There are now many alternatives and gluten-free products with bases of corn flour, chickpeas, rice ...
It just requires more rigor and preparation, but it's possible friends! @flamingirl is here to share with you many delicious recipes:

💛 [EN/FR/ES] FlaminGirl's recipes #17 - ♡ ♡ ♡ 3 ideas for a breakfast 100% healthy! 100% fruity! 100% easy!

💛 FlaminGirl's recipes! #16 - Coconut-Chia-Tapioca Pudding - 100% vegan, dairy&gluten free! So Yummy !!!

💛 FlaminGirl's recipes! #15 - Apple pie vegan&gluten free So Yummy !!!

I hope you enjoyed reading my article.

See you soon for a new culinary discovery my steem friends!
In the meantime, I wish you all a good gluten-free day! <3

Mes chers steemians,

Aujourd'hui, je veux parler de Gluten! Et oui, ce mot qu'on entend partout et que l'on voit beaucoup dans nos super marchés ou restaurants avec le petit symbole "gluten-free". Mais savez-vous ce que c'est exactement le Gluten et pourquoi vous devriez réduire voire stopper votre consommation de Gluten? Je vais essayer de vous éclairer sur ce sujet les amis! =)

Pourquoi vous devriez stopper/réduire votre consommation de gluten ???

Le gluten c'est quoi?

C'est une protéine naturellement contenue dans certaines céréales comme le blé et l'avoine. A taux normal, il est en principe inoffensif pour votre santé. Malheureusement, la naissance des céréales hybrides a fortement augmenté le taux de gluten dans notre alimentation. Ce qui l'a rendu peu à peu néfaste pour notre santé.

Les effets négatifs du gluten

Le gluten affecte la paroi intestinale dans sa fonction d'absorption des nutriments amenés par l'alimentation, ce qui entraine des effets négatifs comme :

  • une grand fatigue
  • baisse d'énergie
  • irritabilité
  • fractures par ostéoporose

Le gluten peut aussi provoquer des inflammations intestinales qui entraînenent:

  • douleurs abdominales (plus ou moins aigües)
  • constipations
  • diarrhées
  • flatulences

Si vous remarquez l'un de ces symptômes et que vous ne savez pas d'où ça peut provenir, je vous conseille de faire un test d'intolérences alimentaires.
Je l'ai fait l'été dernier et j'ignorais toutes les intolérences aigües que j'avais. Depuis, j'ai modifié mon régime alimentaire et je me sens beaucoup mieux! =D

Les aliments qui contiennent du gluten

Ils sont nombreux car le gluten est présent dans tous aliments qui contiennent du blé, de l'épeautre, de l'orge, du seigle, de l'avoine et du kamut.
En fait, à peu près tous les trucs bons que l'on mange depuis que l'on est enfant 😅:

  • pain et viennoiseries
  • barres de céréales
  • pâtes
  • pizzas
  • tartes
  • gâteaux...

Mais pas seulement, le gluten est utilisé comme additif dans la plupart des produits transformés comme :

  • la sauce soja
  • les sauces industrielles prêtes à l’emploi
  • la charcuterie (oui oui je ne savais pas ça il y a quelques mois...^^)
  • les bonbons

Heureusement, le gluten n’est pas une substance indispensable à la santé, on peut donc l’éliminer ou le réduire sans conséquence majeure.
Il existe maintenant bon nombre d'alternatives et de produits sans gluten avec des bases de farines de maîs, de pois chiches, de riz...
Cela demande simplement plus de rigueur et de préparation, mais c'est possible les amis! @flamingirl est là pour partager avec vous plein de délicieuses recettes 😋 :

💛 [EN/FR/ES] FlaminGirl's recipes #17 - ♡ ♡ ♡ 3 ideas for a breakfast 100% healthy! 100% fruity! 100% easy!

💛 [FR] FlaminGirl's recipes! #16 - Pudding Coco-Chia-Tapioca - 100% vegan, dairy&gluten free! So Yummy !!!

💛 [FR] FlaminGirl's recipes! #15 - Tarte aux Pommes vegan&sans gluten So Yummy !!!

J'espère que vous avez aimé lire mon article.
Je vous dit à très bientôt pour une nouvelle découverte culinaire les amis! En attendant, je vous souhaite à tous un bon samedi sans gluten =D.

N'hésitez pas à me soutenir et VOTER, COMMENTER et RESTEEMER mon article! Ça fait toujours plaisir ^^.

Xoxo from Barcelona...!
Flamingirl, with love <3

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wow! c'estcune très belle article, merci d'avoir partager

Merci pour ton commentaire =)!

Boy there never seems to be any positives about consuming gluten.
Thanks for the info.

Super Post, wir sollten wirklich bewusster mit unserer Nahrung umgehen, da schlechte Ernährungsgewohnheiten auch zu vielen Krankheiten führen und wir durch solch ungesunde Nahrung einfach keine Energie erhalten im Gegenteil, sie nimmt uns die Energie!

its really amazing post @flamingirl thankew for giving the nice information👍😊

Réduire oui je pense que c’est mieux pour notre santé et que ça permet de diversifier son alimentation mais stopper impossible pour moi.


Great post. Did you know that many children get skin problems cos of the gluten overload. High-carb products are really under suspicion to be harmful in many ways. Thank you @flamingirl

I really enjoyed simple but tasty vegetable mixes in Spain!

Your @seelc (Europan food blog)

Good food good life 😃😍

Thanks for having a concern on this and sharing it to us, gluten caused mentoring have intestinal damage, indigestion, abdominal pains, I have been through this ,
The only way out was resorting to having a gluten free diet, other than looking forward to complications through its consumption, because am not aware whether there's treatment for complications that come as a result of consuming gluten.
Am now doing well,
Thanks for sharing this.

Got,,i resteem @flamingirl

Great information ! I just starting a new vegan diet, I feel great. Are you familiar with phelt flour? :) Saludos.

The saliva is coming out in the mouth !!
Too much to eat.........
Image Source

Thanks for article !!!

yesss! more people should be talking about this. there's also a lot of symptoms of gluten intolerance such as acne, depression, headache, cough etc. that go undiagnosed in a lot of people. i made a post about gluten intolerance on my blog if anyone is interested :)

My oldies say too much of gluten may cause various diseases when I grow old. I'm trying my hardest to avoid that but sometimes, it just feels really good in tongue :)

Thank you for this post, i have learnt something i may have been ignorant about. With this eye opener i will surely reduce my wheat intake because looking at the negative results attach is something of no joke. Hearing that abdominal pain and inflammation is a no go area for me.

Reduced is a good thing because the Gluten is like a glue in the body and if there is too much it is there that you can have problems like me. Now I can not use it at all because I have abused before ... Mias finally it's a good thing and I feel better now:

  • less pain and extreme fatigue ...

Oh, sorry dear. Its good you reduce it. Thanks for letting people know about it.

Gluten is considered dangerous because it affects the working system of the stomach, intestines, and often leads to allergic reactions of some people with autism. Gluten content in certain foods such as whole wheat bread or cereal prepared from wheat can result in the loss of essential nutrients for the body. this is very important to know by many people,. I feel this article is very useful, I want to share it on my blog. I ask permission to @flamingirl for resteem. Thakyou

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment