Delicious Avocado-Tomato Breakfast

in food •  9 years ago 

Delicious Avocado Tomato Breakfast

This morning I tried a new quick version of guacamole, spread on my breakfast bun!
Simply squash the avocado with a fork, add your favorite spices (I had it with a chili paste), spread on toast, bread or a bun, put some tomatoes on top, salt and pepper, and your done!

Try it for yourself!

And if you want more healthy recipes for a conscious living check out my youtube channel Holger W. Markgraf.

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Healthy foods for breakfast, ,love it!! should try this for my additional receipes...

it's not only a nice breakfast, you can eat it anytime you want!

Looks delicious, should try it some time!

It is delicious, and so simple!

Following. That made me drool a little lol.

LOL mouthwatering?!

Oh my god, I am so hungry now...

got some avocados?