Easy Lentil Salad - Vegan, Healthy & Delicious| Schneller veganer Linsensalat

in food •  8 years ago 

36. Lentil salad.jpg

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Hey lovely Steemians 💚

I’d like to share one of my current favourite recipes with you: Easy vegan lentil salad 💚 Lentils are great in soups, stews or curries. But they’re also amazing in salads. Together with some colorful and crunchy veggies and a fresh lime dressing, this cold lentil salad is perfect for your lunch break or to bring to parties or picnics.

Prep time: 40 min
Portions: 6



  • 500 g lentils
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, diced
  • 1 cucumber, diced
  • 4 tomatoes, diced
  • 2 handful of freh herbs like cilantro, parsley or mint


  • few drops of water
  • juice of 2 limes
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp of salt
  • cumin to taste
  • 1 fresh chili, diced

36. Linsensalat-4 (1).JPG


  • Cook the lentils according to package instructions.
  • Wash and dice the veggies and add them to the cooled lentils together with the diced herbs.
  • Put all the ingredient for the dressing into a bowl and stir well until smooth.
  • Add the dressing tot he salad and mix well.

Can’t wait for you to try this recipe and let me know in the comments how you like it 😊

Please don't forget to follow, upvote, & resteem, if you liked this recipe 💚

Also, check out some of my other delicious and healthy vegan recipes:



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Ich liebeeee linsen. Es ist so lecker und gesund. Es ist unglaublich wie du das alles zubereitest. Das Video ist auch super :D


Danke dir Liebes, ich freue mich, dass dir das Rezept gefällt :)))

So Healthy! Lentil Salad @isshappy looks tasty ~ Thanks for the recipe...

You're very welcome ♥♥

very good food, looks fresh and clean!!:)))

Thank you! Yeah it is ♥

upvote and follow!!:))

Thank you :)

Upvote and followed, you may visit my articles too, mostly about food ,thanks

Thank you, I'm glad you like it :)

Wow! Looks amazing! I have to try it out!

Thank you so much! Yeah it's super easy, enjoy ♥

I love and cook legumes a lot! But I almost forgot to have it as a salad. Thank you for sharing this delicious looking recipe!
(Have to check too on the recipe for lentil salad I used to make with this little beluga lentils... )

Thanks love, I'm happy you like the recipe! Enjoy the salad ♥♥♥

Definitely something for me, I have to try it 🌸💖🌸

Hehe yeah it's so easy and delicious, enjoy ♥

looks so yummy!! thanks for the share

You're most welcome ♥