Breakfast - Crumpets

in food •  7 years ago 

Crumpets with Butter and Jam

I decided to have crumpets for breakfast, and I toasted my crumpets this morning. We had some in the house and I had time to enjoy them this morning. One of the best ways to have them is with melted butter and either Jam or Honey, todays choice was Raspberry jam .

Crumpets must be eaten warm of course, and the jam should be applied after the butter has melted. There should be enough butter that it soaks into the crumpet, and in some parts through the crumpet, depending on the "holes".

Yes you get sticky fingers this way, but it is worth it. They should of course not be over toasted, a little crunch in one spot is OK, as long as the vast majority is warm and soft. Cream is also definitely an option, there wasn't any in the house otherwise I would have had some on top, yum, yum.

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Jam? You psycho. Butter alone. Enough butter to instil a fear of instant cardiac arrest.

I assume you know that crumpet is the most efficient delivery mechanism for getting butter directly into your arteries?

Yours truly

British Crumpet Fan.

Lol. But seriously, Vegemite FTW.

What kind of desecration are you laying down on your beautiful yeasty goodness? Vegemite.... yuck. That's "overyeasting"

I fear that this discussion could go on for a while.

Over yeasting my arse! Crumpets + vegemite (or I'll allow marmite) is the best. THE BEST.

No-one likes 'overyeasting'!

Toast the crumpets first, apply plenty of mature cheddar, grill until cheese is falling off crumpets!

Also a British crumpet fan.

A crumpet so nice, he posted it twice.

Cheddar is an option, but not for a breakfast crumpet IMHO.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Is it more an option for the 'night crumpet'?

Indeed, cheese is good for during the day, not breakfast.

No-one likes 'overyeasting'!

Toast the crumpets first, apply plenty of mature cheddar, grill until cheese is falling off crumpets!

What is it with cheese on crumpets? I've never had that (either when I ate cheese or with vegan cheese). It sounds wrong. It would block the holes.

Yes that's the thing!

The holes collect it all so you've got this cheese invested chewy thing going on!

nommmmmm! I could eat a couple right now :D

Could also go the mini "pizza" route, ham, pineapple, and cheese.

Actually, this could be overyeasting.

ok that is too much! I like marmite and vegemite but what the hell! Are you sure that this isn't chocolate? :)

I thought so too, but I found it under a crumpet + vegemite search. Plus I like a thick spread, but that's a bit far even for me.

For sure. I think that's a months worth of salt and Iron!

That is too much vegemite.

No, you can't do butter on its own, it needs more.

Vegemite and a slice of cheese.

That could be an option, my usual preference is sweet, hence I will usually lean to jam, especially for breakfast.

I'm with you there on the vegemite Matt.


yum! I like mine with apricot jam and black pepper. Sounds weird but it works.

It does sound a little weird, but I would be prepared to try it.