🥖🍞世界麵包冠軍來台中!! World Master Baker comes to Taichung!! 🍞🥐steemCreated with Sketch.

in food •  8 years ago 

Where's the best place to go and cool down on a hot summers day? Window shopping in the department store of course!! After spending an afternoon in the air con, I was just about to leave when I saw the news on the TV in the electricals department. Wu PaoChun's new store opens in Taichung today, so I thought I'd be noisey and head over to take a look as it was nearby.

Even before I arrived, I saw quite a lot of people taking photos on the street so I was sure I was at the right place. Had it not been for the the Wu Pao Chun name, you probably wouldn't know this is a bakery, but then who doesn't know Wu Pao Chun in Taiwan?P_20170817_164733_vHDR_On.jpg

<吳寶春是台灣的勵志故事。他自小家貧,12歲喪父,八兄弟姐妹都由母親養大。他從屏東鄉下到台中學做麵包,經過多年努力,在2010拿下世界麵包冠軍,成為台灣之光。 Wu Pao Chun is Taiwan's inspiring story. He comes from a poor family and his father died when he was 12, so he and his 7 siblings were raised by his mother. He left home in his teenage years for Taichung to train as a bread baker, and after many years of hard work won the World Bread Master Baker in 2010.>


門口當然已擠到水洩不通,很多粉絲慕名而來在排隊買麵包,而隊尾還繼續排到店舖轉角處。 雖然如此,大家也很有耐性在等,沒有半點不耐煩。
The front of the store was packed with people queuing up, and the end of the queue extended around the corner.

I saw that nearly everyone coming out from the store had at least two or three bagful of shopping, so asked one of the shoppers how long she had to queue for. She said half an hour, so it wasn't that bad. Then she added, that's just outside, once you're inside, its another half an hour to choose your bread and pay! 😵P_20170817_170508_vHDR_On.jpg

By this time, I was getting a bit hungry, I figured I'd head home to eat my bread bought from the department store. It might be quicker.

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