in food •  8 years ago  (edited)




minyak untuk menumis
150 gram udang kupas
150 gram cumi iris tipis
350 gram nasi putih dingin
2 butir telur
duan batang daun bawang iris halus
3 sendok makan kecap manis
2 sendok makan saos tomat
1 sendok teh garam
100 gram nanas potong kotak kecil

bumbu halus nasi goreng seafood

3 siung bawang putih
3 buah bawang merah
1 sendok teh lada
2 cm kunyit
3 buah cabai merah

pelengkap nasi goreng seafood

kerupuk udang atau emping

acar timun dan wartel

cara membuat nasi goreng seafood

1 tumis bumbu sampai harum masukan udang dan cumi sambil di aduk hingga warnanya berubah

2 tambahkan nasi,telur dan daun bawang aduk rata

3 masukan kecap manis,garam, saos tomat dan nanas aduk sampai meresap

4 nasi gareng seafoodnya siap di hidangkan selamat mencoba


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Oil for sauteing
150 grams of peeled shrimp
150 grams of thinly sliced ​​squid
350 grams of cold white rice
2 eggs
Duan stalk of finely sliced ​​leeks
3 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 teaspoon salt
100 grams of pineapple cut into small squares


Finely seasoned seafood fried rice

3 cloves of garlic
3 pieces of red onion
1 teaspoon of pepper
2 cm turmeric
3 pieces of red chili


Complement of seafood fried rice

Shrimp crackers or chips
Pickled cucumbers and wartel


How to make seafood fried rice

1 saute seasoning until fragrant input of shrimp and squid while in stir until the color change

2 add rice, eggs and scallions

3 input of sweet soy sauce, salt, tomato sauce and pineapple stir until absorbed

4 rice gareng seafoodnya ready to serve good luck

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