Pepeda Tradisional food Papua, Indonesia

in foodtradisional •  7 years ago 


Do you know this one food? Papeda is a typical food that comes from eastern Indonesia. Well, the main ingredient of papeda is sago. So sago is processed into a white berwarrna mush and its texture is sticky like glue.

Taste? This papeda does not have taste, alias bland. Usually papeda eaten by using fish processed into food sauce. Fish that is used like cob or mubara, cooked into fish yellow sauce

If you eat this papeda just swallow aja, do not need to chew everything. Even stuck entar if we chew it first, other than that take a lot of sauce, for help nelen this papeda,
Papeda Recipes Typical and Delicious Papas

Materials needed :

1 red Snapper
1 orange lime
1 tablespoon Salt
Spices that are mashed:

5 Onions Onion
5 Garlic cloves
1 fingers of fresh Turmeric
3 pieces of curly red pepper
8 pieces of cayenne pepper
Other ingredients and ingredients:

2 tablespoons cooking oil
2 stalks of lemongrass (take the whites and smear)
10 fruit belimbing wuluh (split longitudinal into 2 parts)
800 ml Boiling hot water
1/2 tablespoon Salt
Instant powder broth to taste
2 pieces of red tomatoes (split each - each into 6 parts)
1 large bunch of basil (take the leaves and shoots young)
Materials for sago porridge:

5 tablespoons Sago or tapioca flour (dilute with 150 ml of water)
800 ml Water
Complementary materials:

2 bunch Kangkung (weeded and steamed until cooked)
Tomato sauce
How to make a delicious Papuan papeda delicious and delicious:

The first step sappies scales, discard the gills, and the contents of the stomach fish.
Wash the snapper with water running, drain.
Then cut the fish into 5 parts, coat the fish with lime juice and salt until evenly included into the body cavity. Let stand for 20 minutes. Wash thoroughly. Set aside.
Then prepare to take leaves and shoots young from basil leaves. Wash clean and set aside.
Lift the water spinach, cucui clean, drain. Then steam until cooked. Lift and set aside.
Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a saucepan.
Then saute the finer spices until fragrant and cooked.
Enter lemongrass and belimbing wuluh, stir-fry and stir until fragrant.
Then insert the pieces of fish, stirring for a while until all the ingredients mixed evenly.
Pour boiling hot water into a fish stir, add salt and instant powdered broth.
Add the tomato slices, cook over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes until boiling and the fish is cooked.
Add basil leaves, stir gently to leave the leaves wither. Lift.
For porridge, prepare the pot, put water and cook until boiling.
Pour slowly the solution of sago flour into the boiling water, stirring quickly until the sago solution runs out.
Cook and stir the sago porridge until it feels heavy when stirred and cooked. Lift.
Place the sago porridge on a serving plate, place a stew of kale leaves and tomato sauce, and add the fish over the porridge, flush with the broth.
Papeda is ready to serve.

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