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good to see the war ending :)

@kingscrown just keeping to himself...killing it on the upvote

Me too :)

Thank god that you have resolved this war. I think that the network can only prosper if arguments are allowed to be exchanged, fights can happen but peace is finally reached again.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Why are you still spamming this?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You are here talking shit on a "truce" post.

I'll guess this won't last long

It is as always if a war ends - some people will just not want to accept that it is over and keep on fighting. But this never leads nowhere except their own personal sorry...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Glad to see that even in steemit one could come up with peaceful conclusion


A good news and a awesome agreement I find worth resteeming

glad to look that even in steemit one should provide you with peaceful conclusion #stoptheflagwar an amazing news and a excellent agreement I locate worth resteeming

Hate to see it go to waste, there are good causes it can go to.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's never really wasted. Burns make all remaining Steem more valuable.

That being said, I like the idea of donating to SteemCleaners.

How about donating to @steemit itself?

how about also donating some to the new babies like me @smokeasare165 and others whose account and reputation score was damage..please that is my harmless opinion

Thanks for the good fight legend and finally it paid off.
What witnesses do you recommend and I vote for the great work you have done.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Bots clearly didn't get the memo.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you obviously did not read word for word and between the lines. let peace reign!!! am just a month here if not i would have given you a flag! nonsense fighters!

Can't we get rid of these bots?

Dude, have you heard? Its peace time now.

Its a bot

I second this idea.

Second This.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

They made peace sheesh!

Flagged at minimal levels. Please take this elsewhere now that an agreement has been reached.

Or you could donate it to flag rewards program.

Suggestion: I definitely appreciate the ethics in declining rewards but I suggest they are donated to the SPL.

While one could argue that @tuck-fheman did participate to the war, that was as an individual and not as SPL leader. The SPL, a community project, did suffer as collateral damage.

Congrats to all parties on finding an agreement which works for all.

I've already offered to take care of any rewards that were lost during this.

Awesome, man! Thanks for that (I don’t play) and for everything you do for the community and for your continued willingness to face and front each possible flame war.

You are a vital pillar of the Steem community.

I am glad an agreement has been reached. Too many innocent accounts have suffered from this flag war.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I'd be glad if a portion of it will go to some random minnows, just like me, who have been here for some time and with good reputation, but only earning pennies. Maybe some form of lottery will do, just my humble suggestion.

I can see that there is a lack of consensus in decided what to do with the payout of this post. Therefore, by default, all proceeds shall be deposited as BTS into the Bitshares account of "winston-wolfe333" via Blocktrades, where it will remain indefinitely.


Burn it to promo instead.

i knew @berniesanders had a good heart in the end

He's secretly an AI...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Dude... Peace time remember?

Whaaaattt???!! Bernie, what happened to you? Doesnt matter what happened, thank you:) This sounds like an actual fair agreement and I HIGHLY suggest that people follow some of @haejins recommendations, he is making his followers $$millions!

He might be making them money but his followers do not strike me as people with enough money to make "millions"

Just make sure you buy into all his calls with all your money

Well I'll be honest. He's made me 1000%+ profit. not just blindly following, but incorporating his TA into my decision-making and research process


As did anyone investing in alts the past 2 months

Make alts great again.

Heyhey! You nailed it! I started with crypto in June and have also recorded some 800% profit, but that was going in relatively blind. People are giving too much credit to analysists over the past few months - everyone made bank.

Same. I could have put alts on a dartboard, got drunk, spun in circles, AND spun the dart board in circles, and hit coins that did 100% growth in a week or two.

My portfolio is up over 500% from 2 months ago.

And trust I am no technical analysis guru, nor do I follow the "expert calls" (read; guesses)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Take a look at my wallet vs your wallet and let's have a pissing match of who is "poor".

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Learn to not be entitled to your pending payouts.

I decided to downvote because you are constantly self voting your own comments in a thread that isn't really adding much insight to anything.

Your pending payout is a pending payout. It takes 7 days for the network forces of upvotes/downvotes to take place.

Basically, you wasted you VP to self vote your comment and I wasted my VP to remove the rewards. These are fair uses of the network.

Notice my post about changing flags to downvotes to "make downvotes great again"

You are barking up the wrong tree trying to belittle my decision by calling me a meanspirited bully. If that is what I am, then you are a sensitive, entitled person.

Lol! I barely know what pending payouts even are, nor do I care where to find them. You are waaay too attached to your power on this platform, and as a "witness" you should probably be a little more professional. All of your comments do have little condescending remarks and or insults, have you noticed?

This started with me saying haejin is making his followers millions (true statement), and you followed up with this insult to his followers:

his followers do not strike me as people with enough money to make "millions"

Why comment at all? Just because you have surprised yourself with how much you yourself have made in the past few months, does it now mean that no one can match your investment "prowess", and you have to insult them? You really have no way of knowing who has what, and you were in fact incorrect in your assumption.

Elliott Waves works, but it takes experience- Haejin is sharing this experience for free, but there will always be negativity from unappreciating folks who dont like it.

Literally the only reason you are on Steem is because of haejin right? That means you are overly attached to your stance and likely won't budge. You don't even know what pending payouts are but you have the knowledge to accuse me of something as if you do know what you are talking about.

If you knew more about this system you are using you might understand my viewpoint

Until then just keep calling people bullies for flagging your self voted comments that have no useful info

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Pretty Happy that this Flag-War ends... UPVOTE

I can't say I am happy at all with this.

One thing I am trying to stay positive about is obviously flagging does not work in this type of scenario. For all sides.

Maybe those who flagged or were super involved can work towards a better remedy. One that doesn't involve people crying, because this will happen again.

The one thing I will say though. I feel like everyone on both sides is just sticking their heads in the sand now.

I think any real solution would require a hard fork. I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again, the current algorithm makes this kind of thing inevitable. It will happen again.

Fork it babe.

What remedy would have made you happy?
Agreed that the flagging in this type of scenario doesn't work to the community's benefit. At minimum flagging to reduce awards is misunderstood and/or poorly communicated.

People need to learn not to feel entitled to their "pending" payouts. The pending period is for network forces to take place, including flags

Flagging was exactly the right course of action

@berniesanders and @haejin what happens if there are rogue elements that continue to negative comment / spam / accuse / flag? Will you both be willing to flag them equally in a collaborative effort to stomp out the steemit drama?

#steemfest 3 is about to be a wowza!

We can't stop rogues but they will not be tolerated by either side, and they will only represent themselves so spread the word.

@scarlet7 Disregard the comment. Responded. If @haejin would like to pitch his two cents, it would be equally appreciated.

Let me be clear, I do not "represent" anyone. I have asked those who I have seen make posts about the situation to refrain from doing so.

Whereas I am overly joyed with the agreement, this doesn't provide much confidence in my rather insignificant opinion. It wouldn't be difficult for a rogue account to make an attack on another rogue account trying to rekindle the feud in attempts to draw attention to themselves.

A pledge to squash the rogue elements from both you and @haejin would show that you two are willing to collaborate to ensure these nasty wars are a thing of 2017, not 2018.

Again, I by no means am trying to comment towards either of your credibility, merely concerned about the agreement's security.

Thanks for the expedited reply.

Well, you can't please everyone... We'll do what we can. There's not much more I can say.

Thank You, I am confident the agreement will last. Just call me paranoid, I am just freshly worried about the continued warfare. May the truce last forever.

Follow-Up: I noticed you took care of the rogue account I was concerned about, ozmaga. Keep up the good work.

I can't wait for #steemfest 3 too. Do you think @haejin is going to come?

Conclusion: There's always a way out for the "powerful".

I'm glad you all resolved this issue!
Now the community can prosper together!

Good News indeed.
But Just a Noob question: How changing the reward to 100% sp reduces the reward taken from the pool.

It doesn't. But it slows any exfiltration of money from the platform.

It actually won't. Powering down is incremental over three months. If you have a large enough pool of SP, you can just continuously power down pieces and sell the STEEM.

The only thing this does is reduce the post value while the price of SBD is high. Once the value of SBD is close to 1 USD again, 100% and 50/50 are exactly equivalent if a whale is looking to cash out post rewards.

Thank you!

I was looking for where someone said "was any stipulation made that the 100 powered up SP doesn't immediately get powered down and sold as Steem instead of Sold as SBD. So it takes 13 weeks to completely cash out a post instead of 7 days. This is still a private money printing press in action.

I'm not saying the war should go on, but damn.... If he's still taking 2% of the reward pool....

I dunno... Whatever. Bernie is smarter than me, so I gotta assume he knows what he's doing.

Because this is a person that we want to encourage to gain influence. Gee, that was brilliant.

Is this a decentralized agreement? For fucks sake what is wrong with you people.

They come to SteemIt and treat it like this, so we make him a nice deal to power up and have more influence in exchange for his one whale support posts.

Now you are supposed to be happy it is settled.

Your critical thinking has been impacted by your Greed and inability to think past what you are presented.

I will accept my flag gracefully as always.

It is called politics.

No flags from me for just speaking out. I can see where you're coming from.
Let's keep in mind that every post by @haejin gets more views than just about anybody I can think of. The fact of value shifting to where the views are isn't in itself unfair.
Also keep in mind that while @haejin proved to be a loaded gun he claims his actions were in self defense. Agree or not at least he's now in accordance with a peaceful resolution.

I have posts from @haejin showing up in the google feed on my phone. That's influence, and it could bring a lot of people into Steem.

It is less about influence and more about flooding the trending page on a top ranked Alexa website

Well it influenced my google feed...

I see your point, though.

It influenced your Google feed simply because Google knows what contents you would like to read. Google is flattering you babe. #SEO #RANKBRAIN

Lol! Google's SEO algorithm will prioritize contents you've been addicted to by indexing your browsing habit, most especially when you are logged in to your Google account, which I am convinced you are.

As a matter of fact, I am always receiving updates about my favorite porn stars on my Google launcher every time I turn on the data. I hope that makes sense.

I will refrain from spamming and negative campaigning.

The first time he attacks me, I withdraw my concession.

How long will this last and who is holding both parties accountable?

Reading this has really made me smile, I'm glad we can all move on, for the sake of Steemit.

I know this can't be compared to world peace, but in a way i feel like it is.

To whoever took the first step forward... thank you.

Feel Good positivity. Thank YOU :)

Nice to see things are solved.....Would be happy to be upvoted by some people so i got my level back also.
I gave one positive comment on Haejin and got hammered down :-/
That wasnt the best introduction to steemit!
Best of luck all of you!

You got mine

Thank you my friend!

Good work bernie, happy to give you an upvote.

Great work throughout this mess trying to calmly explain haejin's position, and your own opinions despite the downvotes and flame wars directed toward you.

Thanks man, wish you the best

@berniesanders @haejin I couldn't be more pleased that a resolution has come forth.
Thank you both for working together. It was ugly but in a way it's reassuring to see that this conflict was halted for the sake of building a better community.

I am very glad that this dispute is resumed as it was not good for the community. I think both parties raised some valid points, maybe this will help to further develop the community going forward.

This is a great sign for the Steem comunity as a whole. Thank you everyone involved for working this out! :)

4 posts in an hour... $500 average... I feel he is still taking advantage of Us.

Great! Even though I also don't agree with the height of @haejins reward's all the times, he at least seems to be entertaining and helping some people!

However there are accounts which really just are making a lot of money by pure spam/plagiarism/... which are a bigger problem in my eyes.

gg wp

I like this :)

actually, bernie sanders is a character that does balance and checks on steemit. Thumbs up for this decision! we may have doubts about bernie recently but this time it is a good settlement.

All is well and good with the world now that @berniesanders and @haejin have made up, thank you for the wonderful commentary all through out the arguments that you have but to be honest it was one of the few things making me and anyone else I have spoken to about the platform question moving away from the community, thanks for moving on.

When you are arguing about daisies, steemit is facing a big problem. I think you should change some things instead. Please join the debate about steemit future and tell me your solution for this.

Excellent! Congratulations on the compromise. Thank you!

Great news! The SteemPower can be put to 100% positive uses now. Good job guys!

So this is a cease fire then

First upvote I've ever given to Bernie!

Thank You

Good to hear. Now, let make this community strong and steal Facebooks thunder.


I’m glad this is happening. This is what the platform needed. Thank you both for doing this! Cool heads prevail :)

Awesome! Back to business as usual?

Wow, that's fantastic! - I'm glad you're as persistent as you are bernie. Without you, this would probably never have happened. Even though others have helped, none of this would've happened if you didn't exist. - At least not at this point.

I'm glad you managed to pull this off and I'm glad things will go back to normal again.

Holy shit! I miss one hour of steemit and miss this news.
Although no decline payments option :(
It would so cool if it was 5 power ups,4-50/50 ,1 decline payments. Oh well This is good news! :)

Self-Regulation works!


Pretty good post thanks bud!

Given Steem’s rising price and the attention that price will bring this couldn’t have come at a better time. Glad this is, hopefully, behind us.

Nice to see some kind of agreement have been reached in this matter... Keep the good work! :)


Did this go away?

Awesome so glad to hear this! Working together to help the whole Steemit Community continue to grow together and prosper ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!

Great news for the community. Not just people, two entire communities are coming together and showing that Steemit is a place where dialogue wins and wars destroy everything.

Since you've forgotten to decline payout, burn some to "ilyastarar" account may be. I have use cases based on charitable donations. Won't hurt Steemit so much perhaps.

Thanks for this good news. It will restore a lot of faith I am sure.

Thank you all for finally working this out.

I have been encouraging family and friends to join the community and greet new members by telling them how friendly and encouraging everyone here is.

Then this conflict began, and escalated rapidly. I know I'm not alone in saying that it was disheartening and somewhat frustrating/disappointing.

Regardless, I'm happy to see that you all have brought it to a peaceful conclusion and made a clean break regarding this back and forth cycle. I'm sure you won't be best friends from here on out, but it is good to see you all putting this behind you and making a clean start.

So once again, thank you for doing what is best for the community and coming to a peaceful resolution. To all people, those who supported either side or got worked up during this conflict, I ask you to also let it all go and make a fresh start. If not for yourselves, at least for the sake of the community.

Thank you.

Thank goodness. I am only on this platform for Haejin. Not being into social media I was actually interested in the platform by this fued. Have since come to hate it. Perhaps that can heal and move on...doubt it but this is a start. Good to see adults acting like adults even on the internet.

The war is over!

Can someone please explain why @haejin's powering down SP matters when @dan is transferring out hundreds of thousands of Steem at an increasing rate?

[Note: I am not criticizing @dan. He deserves whatever her gets from creation of this platform. I simply can't figure out why @haejin's much smaller sales would matter to anyone.]

I'm behind you Bernie!

So glad there has been a resolution to this problem. This is good for everyone and for the platform.

I honestly have to say that I have literally no idea who these people are or what they were fighting about and I don't even understand the resolution that well, but I'm liking the post because peace is not half bad.

This is great! I'm glad is happening.

Wonderful to hear!

Calm blue ocean calm blue ocean calm blue ocean calm blue ocean

I've been hearing about this a lot, but haven't read into it yet..

It feels as though some intense battle has taken place and I missed it..
I always miss the good stuff.

While I agree with coming to a solution, I am not completely certain if the outcome is best for the community as a whole. There is a problem that the witnesses, I feel, should address which is allowing so much of the reward pool to be drained as it is unsustainable for the reward pool to lose ~2000+ steem a day to a single user.

Edit: This isn't an attack on haejin but rather addressing a much larger issue inherent in steemit. I do not really care about what haejin posts at all and am all for him continuing.

Glad that you guys have reach and agreement, because i tell you this war between you two, was killing a lot of peoples morale here.

Thank you @berniesanders for doing this for the community. Peace. Steem on.

Both join together and publish a photograph breaking anonymity, and work towards the Steem community. If all the whales break their anonymity, and openly show what they are doing and why they are doing, Steemit will go to Moon, this year.

I must admit it has been interesting to watch, its the first steemitwar I have seen!

best of luck in the future

I just wondered - and I don’t know if it happens or not - with his new found SP, will Haejin be looking to nurture new people in the community. Get into the old giving back cycle that exists here?

Negative ^_~

I hope this ordeal does not cause you to cease from flagging when appropriate. @steemflagrewards is being stood up to help those that do so. We must keep policing the blockchain and use downvotes as an educational tool to those that seek to make a quick buck at the expense of the community. These instances must be quelled in an expeditious fashion. I hope you would agree.


Glad to see that even in steemit one could come up with peaceful conclusion


A good news and a awesome agreement I find worth resteeming

Being a newer person to Steemit! I am super glad to hear a peace has been brokered! (at least a cease-fire) It was confusing and for many newer folks such as myself. I hope we can all grow and STEEM ON together! Thanks for taking steps to clear the air!

Big man!! weldon. so all the fight finally paid off! thanks to you there is hope for change and improvements. word of advise next time you have an issue try to discuss things out and see if an agreement can be reached before you consider scattering everywhere!! (honestly it was kinda fun reading all of you fighters posts back to back. ;-)... you made this platform and experience worth having. bravo.

oh yeah... keep your word and please flag @ozmaga

Lets save the flagging for a capture the flag match online 😛 .... or offline at a Steemit meet up somewhere.
Last time I saw @berniesanders rep so low was before everyone started #feelingthebern lol
Playing aside glad to see that there is an agreement that has reached. 🙃

I'm glad you made your point, yes it was ugly, but it was kinda fun at the same time. Its only sad that people who only want to create their content and interact with their audience get dragged into this drama. But on the other side you gotta do what you gotta do for the greater good of community. I really hate politics because it brings worst in people, but im glad that there are people out there who fight for others and try to preserve good values. I go eat my soup now :D

Glad you guys can come to a consensus. Lets grow together :)! This is such a huge impact on the world. @berniesanders

This is a big win for everyone that invests their time and money into this platform. Thank you for looking out!

thank god for that. no more bs please, just solid TA!

Diplomacy and proper negotiation is always the better method.

I'm very happy to see this...

Well, finally. World. I'm very happy :)

Happy to see something came positive and Thanks for making it possible.

moving on for the money you guys mean... right ? :D

And SBD is going down predicted..

Finally, we Thank GOD, I @smokeasare165 my account was severely damage because of this very happy you guys(@berniesanders and @haejin) has makeup..This is a new dawn..we love you all...
Long live @berniesanders and @haejin...

Well, I'm glad that's over.
Now countdown to the next flag war. I'm putting my money on @davidpackman.

He is a mild mannered intelligent person who is bringing a large youtube audience to steemit. He posts multiple times a day and is building quite an audience. As soon as a couple wales start voting for him the rewardpool rape will be complete.

Git him!

Wow OP im kinda late for the drama but it seems you are in the middle of it with -18 reputation. Have my upvote if that even helps.

Oh wow! Go up-vote me now Doge, very science.

Thank you @berniesanders, I see your devilish set of horns hold up a halo😇😈

So are you happy this will remedy the reward pool situation?

Good one I have upvoted this. Please upvote my story.

Spam is discouraged by the community, including comment spam.

Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:
10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Nice”, “Follow me”, etc

Self promotion could make your reputation a whale snack!

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You!

Sonds like a solution. Not entirely shure what this was all about, as I am very new here, but compromises accepted by both parties are always a good outcome!

Thanks for letting cool heads prevail guys...this is what i thought Steemit was all about..compromising and treating each other with respect..cheers

I think a lot of these problems happen because people are confused about the whole flag/downvote thing and it's purpose. I think we should all become more comfortable with receiving the occasional downvote. If you are confused or know someone who is, I wrote a post that explains it in my opinion.

Very good to hear. Glad to know communication resolved this and an agreement could be reached.

i am your biggest fan always follow your post . you always encourage all those who gote flag respect you dear alot learn lots from you

I wonder how it all when down....

This is great for the community :) Best wishes to all.

Think of the craziest negotiations ever, and tone it down by about 75 notches.

Good to hear :) This is great place to be. Steem on.

So someone got stabbed?

No one else was in the room where it happened... The room where it happened... The room where it happened...

Wow. That was a trip. I am happy you guys reached an agreement.

When will we see a system that involves a little less humans? As long as there are humans to make decisions, problems will persist.

Peace is good in the natural world. If we could focus on cooperation more and not competition (as our 'master's would have it) we would have a renaissance the world over.

This I hope is the end and beginning to a happier healthier steemit. Now how do you go about getting back from (-18) anything we steemians can do to help?

finally :) thank you so much good whale :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Finally, a consensus has been reached. I am so glad this has been sorted in a much professional manner after the reactive interactions we have had all these weeks.

I'm glad to see that you reached an agreement. 'Moving on for the community', I love that.

why are you still flagging me... please sorry am not commenting about you any more leave me

Because you post stupid ass images and memes that don't deserve to make any reward.

its not at all about you... still y you flagging.. even you flag my comments to others post which is totally of different topics

I can flag anything I don't like and I think most of your comments are ridiculous and unnecessary.

its not fine.. please i dont even talk nor comment about you from now on.. please dont flag me