Fitness program: Day 1 Chest-triceps

in fr •  7 years ago 

French will follow.

[image credits: me 42 years old]   

Here is the first training plan that I share with you. I propose a combination of pectoral and triceps. This combination is not mandatory, but allows this to target muscle groups that function as a team (see illustrations).   

In addition, you will notice that the proposed exercises alternate between volume-raising exercises (high loads and low repetitions) and definition exercises (low loads with high repetitions). The research and experience of several fitness competitors teaches us that this combination allows the subject to achieve a significant gain in mass while also working on the definition of muscle groups.   

My training plans are designed to meet the needs of people (men and women) who train in gym or have a gym at home. They are built by muscle group. The number of repetitions is indicated (ex: / 20 reps). You have to find a charge that meets your strength. Remember that this charge must lead you to muscle failure at the last repetition while performing a technically perfect move without cheating.   

You will find also under each series of repetitions, the rest time between each series (rest between sets). Respecting this time is fundamental to ensure an intensity conducive to quality training.   

On this, good training!   


Voici le premier plan d’entrainement que je partage avec vous. Je vous propose une combinaison pectoraux et triceps. Cette combinaison n’est pas obligatoire, mais permet ce cibler des groupes musculaires qui fonctionnement  en équipe (voir les illustrations).  

De plus, vous remarquerez que les exercices proposés alternent entre exercices de prise de volume (charges élevées et nombre de répétitions bas) et des exercices de définition (charges basses avec nombre de répétitions élevé). La recherche et l’expérience de plusieurs compétiteurs fitness nous apprend que cette combinaison permet au sujet d’atteindre un gain en masse notable tout en travaillant aussi la définition des groupes musculaires.   

Mes plans d’entrainement visent à répondre aux besoins des personnes (hommes et femmes) qui s’entrainent en gym ou qui possèdent un gym à la maison. Ils sont construits par groupe musculaire. Le nombre de répétitions est indiqué (ex : / 20 reps). Il vous reste à trouver une charge qui répond à votre force. Rappelez-vous que cette charge doit vous amener à l’échec musculaire à la dernière répétition en exécutant toutefois un mouvement techniquement parfait, sans tricher. 

Vous trouverez aussi sous chaque série de répétitions, le temps de repos entre chaque série (rest between sets). Le respect de ce temps est fondamental afin d’assurer une intensité propice à un entrainement de qualité. 

Sur ce, bon entrainement! 


Day 1: Chest and triceps  

Flat bench BB :


[image credits: Pinterest]

 / 20 reps   /15       /12       /10 

Rest between sets: 30 sec    

Incline bench DB : 

[image credits: Pinterest]

/10 reps      /8      /6      /5 

Rest between sets: 1 min  

Decline bench BB : 

[image credits: Pinterest]

/20 reps      /18      /15 

Rest between sets: 30 sec     

Flat bench pull-over : 

[image credits: Pinterest]

 /10 reps      /8      /6 

Rest between sets: 1 min     

Low pulley  fly standing: 

[image credits: Pinterest]

/10 reps      /20       /10      /20 

Rest between sets: 30 sec   


High pulley bar pushdown:

[image credits: Pinterest]

/10 reps      /8      /7      /6 

Rest between sets: 1 min      

Kick Back DB : 

[image credits: Pinterest]

 / 20 reps      /15     /12      /10 

Rest between sets: 30 sec  

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Good plan, I will try it next time, thanks!

Nice my friend these are solids and your looking damn fit for your age! I really like the break down of each exercises you did as it allows you to pinpoint the muscles you really want to grow big and stand out. I am a big believer in doing them all though to keep yourself in good balance. Look forward to more of these.

Thanks. I you have questions, don't hesitate!

Looking great man, this is some great advice. Whoever looks like you at 42 should be LISTENED TO! :) Nice post, keep it up!

I appreciate! Thanks!

I always know workouts are a way to relieve stress but I never knew how each muscles are affected by the way we lift things. I am glad this post revealed some of that to me. Thanks for this and keep steeming.

Solid routine, great post!

I should obviously start working out, you are 42 and u look very fit, and me at 21,almost having a pot belly.

great advice thank you

This is good

pretty good job
nice keep it up @pipons
lots of love


Thanks for sharing these @pipons!
Looking forward to employing them 👍💪

this is so amazing .. new collection in my daily excerises please share more of lags and sholder and trisheps thanks for posting

Great split!! I have always had a hard time doing a chest/Tricep split. I prefer to do chest on its own and have a separate arm day where I train bicep/triceps alone. Thanks for the tips!!!

Good strength-training exercises! They provide the most benefit to your metabolism!

Hoping this will be as effictive ..

Nice routine, do u think about make super series?like chest combined with shoulders, chest press plus front lifts with disc (weight applied to your strength), 3 sets of 15 rep each. We can exchange ideas, good post!!

Nice post, man! I'm doing these exercises every time when I'm working chest and I'm very happy with the achievements :D. Work hard or go home :))

Great example, you inspire me!