in fraud •  7 years ago

Yes STEEM is sadly a FRAUD and SCAM and I offer PROOF below but the scammers that run this site through hundreds of. FAKE ACCOUNTS will downvote this post to censor it and hide it from the people they are scamming.

They can't debate my facts, since I am TRUTH.

I have lots of news articles about why STEEM IS A FRAUD & SCAM.

Now some FACTS that the scammers who downvote this post are hiding.

Remember, I make nothing on this post I have declined payment.

So anyone down voting it is a SCAMMER COMMITING FRAUD!

First FACT, I had over 500 Billion Steem points stolen out of my account by Dan and Ned.

Their own blockchain shows their accounts stealing points.

Second, they lie and say no censorship here just look at all the Witnesses downvoting my posts to censor me.

Third, the lie this shithole is decentralized when it's completely controlled by 2 users.

Sure Ned and Dan allow a few to make CRUMBS while they make a fortune in this con game.

The coins are controlled by 2 people.

Who makes money here is controlled by 2 people.

Get out now while you can.

Just look at my posts and see mostly witnesses harassing me.

Most of the witnesses if not all of them are bots owned by Dan and Ned. None have photos of who they are.

This is a complete scam and I will keep on posting here to warn people ITS A SCAM.


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I am the one who has downvoted this idiot. If you are a user here you will know he is talking gibberish with this points nonsense.

I am neither a witness, nor a scammer, nor a fraudster.

I am just someone who cant be bothered with liars who talk shite all day.

You will notice that his story changes from minute to minute and he attacks people calling them bitches, morons and faggots.

The only person attacking anyone here is this guy. Thats why I am downvoting him and will continue to do so. It is easy to see I am not Dan or Ned, but that doesnt fit into this frankly bizarre narrative that he is painting.

He is ill

  ·  7 years ago (edited)