Free Art Tuesday and Some Crafty Curation #2

in freearttuesday •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is #freearttuesday?

The free art movement is gaining traction all over the country. It’s become kind of a big deal in my town. Artists and makers of all kinds leave their creations on park benches, library shelves and window ledges of buildings down town with an attached note explaining to the finder that it is free art to be kept, gifted, rehidden or left right where it was found. In the Joplin area, the note might include a link to the Free Art 417 Facebook page so the finder can join the group and post their find.

I’ve also started leaving the address to my Steemit page and an invitation to join and participate in #freearttuesday.

I introduced #freearttuesday in a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago. If you’ve read the post then you know that the payoff for participating can be priceless!!

What Did I Do For #freearttuesday?

The rain hasn’t let up, so again this week I had to find some safe, dry places to leave my little creations.


The molecule pentants were left at a movie theater and the library. The cactus is my version of the howto post by @learn-to that I linked to in last week’s Free Art Tuesday post. It was left in one of the entrances to our mall.

Who Else Participated This Week?

@squishysquid and her kids were hiding painted rocks at the playground and library this week. Check out her post here, and read about how she’s out “spreading smiles and positivity!”

@danbab7 got out this week and put up what I’m going to call a ‘pop-up flash exhibition’. I love this idea, and I think I’ll borrow from it for next weeks #freearttuesday. In @danbab7’s post, that you can find here, he nominated some very artistic Steemians that you’ve got to take a look at.

@thelump created a beautiful painting that you have got to check out. I don’t read Korean, but from what I understand, he took his huge painting of summertime and hung it banner style on a mountain trail. Head over to enjoy this amazing painting and show @thelump so love!

@squishysquid, @danbab7 and @thelump will all find a little ‘thank you’ in their wallets for participation in #freearttuesday.

Need Some Inspiration?

Gottcha covered!
Follow along with @ gailbelga in this step-by-step how to to create a beautiful marker drawing, that looks to me like water color. I’m excited to give it a try!

In this video post, @stylenrich walks us through the making of these flower hair clips. I’d like to make up a couple of these and set them around the children’s section of the library. :)


If you've enjoyed the art in this post, check these artists out and let them know that Steemit supports our artists!

To find out what Free Art Tuesday is all about, check out this post and get involved! Next week, I'll be highlighting, resteeming and rewarding some of the posts with the #freearttuesday.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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I won't lie, if I'd spotted that little cactus creation sitting there inviting me to take it, I'd have snatched it up! They are so adorable! I need to make one because I like cactus, but they don't like to grow for me!

It did get snatched up! Not everything that I post as ‘hidden’ on our local free art Facebook page gets posted again once it’s found. But the cactus did! :) Put one together and show it to us!

I am excited to be a part of this movement. Thank you for the mention :)

You’re welcome! Thank you for your excellent post and participation!

Good initiative @powellx5 !
I will definitely join in next Tuesday and will post a pic.
Thanks !

I'm looking forward to your #freearttuesday post!

Love it!! All these ideas are fantastic!
I love the molecules and cacti you made!!
Ill be heading over to check out the othe posts and getting some new ideas for free art Tuesday! ♥

I'm going to have some family from out of town visiting for the next 4 days, but I'm going to try to fit in time to do the drawing and make the hair clip from this week's post and the painted sticks from last week's for free art.

I told @SnekLady about your free art Tuesday, and she loves it! She is quite distractable, but she wants to check out your posts and brainstorm some other great free art ideas! ♥

With her sewing skills and artistic talent, she should be able to come up with something great to brighten a strangers day!

Yes she could!! Her struggle is focus and budgeting her time... She is highly distractable and finds focusing on one project difficult. Ill have to remind her, haha!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Neat stuff! Going now to check out all the users you've referenced. I've seen a lot of those painted rocks hidden around town. I've re-gifted at least one, myself. It's not there anymore, so I guess somebody found it. I really like all of this, but especially the third photo. Music is dear to me.

There are so many talented people here! I absolutely get lost in all the amazing art when I’m looking for artists to link to in the posts!

Yeah, can totally see that. I've only kinda sorta explored every genre here. Barely dipped my toe into the artsy side. Beautiful and humbling all at the same time. There truly are some very talented people. More than I could ever hope to be.