in freedom •  7 years ago 

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Fire Arms are tools. To hunt for food in today's day for the purpose of food only, is Honorable and Just. To escape the system that is Government, we must relearn the ways of old. To hunt for SPORT is grounds for protest.
I will keep my Firearm and Tools, Thank you.

Give it to em Kokesh!

The 2nd Amendment is designed to protect us from a tyrannical govt, self-defense, invasion, hunting and sporting events. We should have every weapon our troops carry into battle. Non of my guns have jumped up and shot anybody, but I did have to draw my weapon twice

Right you are Sir

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
― Thomas Jefferson

Great Post @adamkokesh, I See & Enjoyed. Thanks For Sharing. Don't Forget To Check The Best Post Of @worktrades


your patience is beyond human. How do you restrain from wanting to strangle controlFreaks like that old man? At least the other guy gave you credit for your consistency....

LC says: "I need assault weapons because someday I may be at war with my own government... and I'm not interested in being a "fish in a barrel". If you don't like that, why don't you see what happens to you when you attempt to take it/them away?"

end of story.

phuque the porcupine... or dandiline: THIS is my ideal symbol for the LP now.
pirahna - cartoon 3 - b w.jpg

He'll never be the biggest fish in the water, but you KNOW what happens when a school of piranha surround you. The Founders knew what they were talking about with the FIRST PART of the 2nd Amendment and a WELL REGULATED militia.....

I totally agree. 2nd amendment is very important. But we are already 'disarmed' in comparison to the government. I mean think about it, we have no tanks, no aircraft, no fully autos, no nades, no land mines, no high calibers, no bombs, no nukes. Additionally, we do not have multi billion dollar companies ready to stock pile "terrorist citizens", e.i. walmart, FEMA, etc...
The game is already over, if you ask me. The only thing we have to 'fight' with is knowledge that the corrupt ruling elite actually do fear us. We outnumber the corrupt elite, the shadow government. Though, I am saddened to realize that the vast majority of us - are not the type that would bleed and die for liberty.
Weapons, death, blood and tears are not the methodology to freedom. Knowledge, intellect, spirituality and stubbornness are. We are living in the age of information now, civil disobedience towards corrupt government is not taking up arms and shooting up stuff. It's taking an intellectual stance against greed and corruption. Blood and civil war will never do anything to free us, ever. All crisis and destructive moves will be turned into gain and profit for the corrupt elite. The only methodology of freedom is resistance, non violent resistance, and unfortunately, many may die before the goals are met. Violence will only cause a split in the nation, of which, the elite always come out on top from. Period.

Yes. You are correct. They ARE for slaughter. Don't tread on me, bitch.

Might as well spit it out . The weapons are to protect ourselves from becoming Venezuela or any of these other places where guns were taken away from the people by their own government.


But the U.S. Government would never do to us what those other countries did to their people... you can hear it coming...
Now you have a world of choices to show the governments total lack of regard for human life. The choices are enough to make your head explode. The entire idea of having a government has become passe, it's proven itself invalid.

a final thought on gun control

So, according to MSM, allegedly the left are shooting up their own work places today. Just so happened to be YouTube headquarters... or campus...or compound. My, my, how ironic.
Can't wait to see how they spin this one.

"The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." What else is there to be said? When the founding fathers wrote our constitution they knew that the only way to stop a tyrannical government is to be well armed. It wasn't just so we could hunt, or even just protect ourselves. Some people are so blind they will never see.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You are wrong sir. The 2nd Amendment is designed to protect us from a tyrannical govt, self-defense, invasion, hunting and sporting events. We should have every weapon our troops carry into battle. Non of my guns have jumped up and shot anybody, but I did have to draw my weapon twice

You didn't actually watch the video did you?

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