Libertarian Revolution Interview with Adam Kokesh and Cynthia McKinney at Anarchapulco

in freedom •  7 years ago 

Part 1:

Part 2.

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Love Cynthia McKinney!!

I agree. Only congress person to ever question 911 openly. Her grilling of Rumsfeld was perfect

Your thoughts are very good and will give a great benefit to the United States .. the video that most caught my attention was this ..

Can I be a question?

If it were to become president, what would you do, with the problems that the Latino with emigration and deportation?

My question is because I am Latino.
no doubt Cynthia McKinney is a great democrat..

Libertarianism (Liberty) Fist Pump.jpg

A Libertarian Revolution is exactly what we need. And now is the time to do it. I encourage everyone to Watch and Share all of the Freedom Videos. Thanks for sharing this..

Thanks for sharing! I've find that my views also fall in line with the libertarian mindset, and since I've opened my eyes to what's really been going on, I'm definitely concerned about our future as Americans.
I'm new to steemit, so it's nice to see that the culture of this site (thus far) fosters free speech and more views than just the liberal agenda / propaganda we see on other social media platforms.

Thanks for bringing on board Cynthia McKinney. She has massive amount knowledge she passes on to we the advocators of freedom with the great reputation she has in serving in congress.
It's unfortunate that you @adamkokesh got to know more about her a little late just because of the unjust government policies which had you sent to Iraq to kill people for the government. But still it's not too late to join hands and give the unjust governments a fight.
The governments are openly enslaving us, sandwiching their policies in the name of democracy. Showing how everything is decided on democracy yet back there they are making decisions which favor their stay in power and making sure the people they govern continue living in the dark. The people are not free though the governments claim they are. How do you tell your free when you can't make some decisions like where you want to go without them monitoring you.., The fight for freedom is for we the people to redeem ourselves, something which won't get successful without a fight; A non-violent fight that will get the governments hand the power back to us the people that elect them. They have failed to serve us, and now it's time people serve themselves.

When we are able to see the choices I am confident Americans will make better choices. We need to get back to the understanding that we elect REPRESENTATIVES and we are not appointing people to RULE over us. We have to wake up to the fact that these rulers control the #msm (to a great extent) and they use this propaganda machine to keep us misinformed and divided against one another because the last thing this power structure needs is a united populous. One thing I know for sure is that anyone that reads my reply is NOT my enemy; nor am I theirs. I heard someone say one that political reform is not the most important thing; it's just the FIRST thing. Let's put our differences aside and take our country back and then we can sort things out. I am inclined to think that once we are able to live in true FREEDOM and LIBERTY that we will find that our differences are really not that big of a deal after all.

tidak diragukan lagi Cynthia McKinney adalah seorang demokrat yang hebat ..

I will always go with saying "Too big of a government means fewer rights for individuals." They always say for your protection we need to be able to read emails or listen to phone calls. Where does it all end? Anyone who doesn't see this as a threat to the very foundation of the rule of law in America is badly deceiving themselves.

It is especially worrying that the administration don't seem to be trying very hard to keep this secret. It would be some sort of mitigation if they showed that they knew they were doing wrong, but felt they had to do it anyway. As it is they seem to be fully endorsing monarchical executive power as policy.

If you dismantle the government, what will happen to elderly people and disabled people?

We will take care of them like we always have...

In my opinion, free from advanced American federalism,
It is very worrying that the government does not seem to be trying hard to keep it a secret. It would be a kind of mitigation if they showed that they knew they were making a mistake, but felt they had to do it too. Because they seem to fully support the executive power of the monarchy as a policy.

Thanks for sharing this photography

I have learned a lot from this post. Thanks for the share. 👍

Very nice Interview.
Thanks for sharing this Post.
I appreciate your work......
You promotes original content on Steemit

sounds very informative, The video was very good,,
my dear friend @adamkokesh,
i like your post all time,thank you for sharing with us.

sounds very informative, share more

The video was very good and your post went off, like, ,,,,