How to See The World But Not Pay The Earth!!!....... Part I. Living Rent Free.

in freedom •  7 years ago  (edited)


Traveling can be expensive, especially when you
travel full time like we do.

Staying at a campsite all year is not cheap, in some cases, it can cost the same as renting a small apartment. I don't know about you? but to me, it doesn't make any sense, you might as well just rent a place with a nice garden, park your camper there, and then rent the house out to someone else.

As I was writing the above I suddenly realized what a great idea it was, but then it wouldn't really work for us because we like to be on the move all the time.


So how do you live rent-free on the move?

Because we have been doing this a long time, we have made lots of friends in many different countries, you meet people who are always offering a place to park up and you always get great tips on safe, free park ups usually with a spectacular view.

Getting to this point can take some time and until you are at this stage the wide open road can feel like a maze of uncertainty.

We travel mainly in Europe, and although it's safe in general, there are some places where you should be careful about staying overnight, especially if you have a family to protect, sometimes it's worth paying 35 steem for a safe night in a campsite.

  • Always plan ahead.

  • Always have a backup plan.

  • Stop before you get tired so you can think straight.

  • Having internet access makes life much easier.

The best advice I can give is to just go with your gut feeling, this has worked for us and after 5 years on the road, we've never had any problems. If you have to stop at the side of the motorway then make sure it's at a well lit 24hr service station, preferably near a surveillance camera.

  • Keep your valuables hidden.

  • Don't drink lots of alcohol after a long drive.

  • Buy a BIG dog bowl, put a giant bone in, and leave it outside your door.

  • Install an intruder & narco-gas alarm.

There are lots of things you can buy to make you feel safe, but really they're just there to help you sleep at night and nothing else, the best way to keep safe is to use common sense.

Before we sold everything and hit the road we had a tonne of worries

  • Where would we live in these strange new countries?

  • What if the money runs out?

  • What if something terrible happens?

  • What if bigfoot stole our tinyhouse?

If there's anything we have learnt after all this time on the road with a family, it's that worrying is a massive waste of imagination and that 99% of the things you worry about never actually happen. just have your wits about you and always follow your instincs

We have also learnt that when you just let go and follow the flow, everything has a magical way of working out and then you realise how much time you wasted thinking the unthinkable.

What about longer stays? How do we stay on someone's land
for a long time without paying any rent?

Well it's not like we go around trying to avoid paying rent, but the truth is we usually don't have to, we are usually on land that belongs to friends who refuse any payment, or like now, we are staying on someone's piece of land in return for a helping hand.


So, we get to learn a trade by helping to renovate an old ruin
Todays job, remove an old fireplace.


We also get to park our house in the middle of the beautiful
Portuguese countryside.


And as if that wasn't enough, we then get to look at land in an area that interests us, that's full of people who are all doing what we have been dreaming about for years.

And this all came about because of a friend of a friend,
which is how it often plays out when you
follow the flow.

After some hard work its time for some play.

Follow us as we go for a ride in the hills to explore our surroundings.




Take a quick 0.37min ride with us in the hills.


Follow us on our quest to build an eco-community.

Peace and love to the World.

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You and your beautiful family are so inspiring! It was such a pleasure to read this post and get to peek into your set up. I think the gift you are giving your children by living this way while their ideas about the world are forming is incredible. I was delighted to meet you and your daughters at steemfest. Thank you for taking the time to document your way of life so we can be challenged ourselves, and feel more brave to redesign our own life without fear and be creatively charged. Blessings to you and yours.

Thank you @lifemovedbysteem
We feel happy knowing that we are an inspiration to others.
It's really healthy to challenge ourselves and take giant leaps into the unknown.

It was lovely meeting you, we shall be swinging by to check out your latest adventures too :)

such an amazing life! I especially love your tip about buying a big dog bowl and putting a big bone in it xD genius! haha I bet it is effective too! If I had some land, you would be more than welcome to park up here in the UK, but alas, I am not quite there yet. Hopefully in the future though! I am glad you and your family are safe and it makes me happy that you are enjoying your time together as a family should do :)

totally agree. loved that big dog bowl idea! - once we have a van it will make it a lot easier to 'pull the trigger' on the lifestyle. i've been collecting bits of information, things about water top ups in certain places and i know once i've got the van things will cascade forward quickly. i can't wait.

I shall save you guys a spot on my welsh plot too then @teamhumble! :D I could set up a steemit campsite! How awesome would that be! hehe I'll have chickens too, so you could fetch your breakfast freshly laid! :D

i'm totally down with that!

That sounds lovely @beautifulbullies
I was born in Abbergaveny so a trip to Wales is definitely going to happen at some point in the not to distant future :)

I wanted to send @markwhittam a reply but you already wrote the words I would have written
Very well said!!!

Awww thank you @clio! It just goes to show how much the lives of your family have touched so many of us @markwhittam! You guys will always have a place to stay, I am sure of it :)

Thank you @beautifulbullies.

We are often in the UK so you never know :)

My plan is to have some land in Wales by 2021! :D

Haha, that dog bowl idea is really smart!!

Hehe, yeah, you'd think twice if you saw that, right?

You are true nomads:). Thanks for sharing!

Thank you @arunaelentari

Har det bra!

A wonderful post my friend. You and your family took the initiative to plan and prepare so you could live the dream. Thanks for documenting it here so others can learn and follow your lead. living with friends and helping them out would be great barter tools to live rent free provided you have the right skill sets. Thanks again for sharing. the dream with us that only some can imagine.

Thank you @enjoywithtroy for taking your time to read and comment on this post.

We all have skills we can offer instead of money.

One day it will normal, again.

It's always nice to hear from you. You are awesome and leading a very wonderful life trip. I feel very happy to see you and your little kids safe and happy, lots of good wishes from your friend to you and your family.

Thank you @maya7
It's always a pleasure reading your comments.
Always puts a smile on my face :)


Oh friend it's my greatest pleasure to meet you here in the community. My good wishes remains always with you. Happy steeming friend.

Always plan ahead.
Always have a backup plan.
Stop before you get tired so you can think straight.
Having internet access makes life much easier.

Also all my rules for freelancing!
Good to know they apply for the road as well- thankful to be able to learn from someone a little further along on their freedom journey

Great rules to stick by, the trick is to remember them in the heat of the moment :)

Thanks for dropping in.

nicely comparison on mobile living room, good tips on strategy, plan and about security during travel.

Cheers @sheikh27
Glad you like it :)

Much respect Mark for living the dream.

This must be a fantastic life experience for the children too.

I've never heard of narco-gas alarms - but they sound useful!

Thank you @pennsif

A narcogas alarm warns for sleeping gasses that thieves 'apparently' use to send you into a deep sleep so that they can take everything without being disturbed.

Again I'm not sure if this is just another scare tactic to make people spend more money on there 'safety'

Just hunted around for narcogas alarms - but I can't find anything in the UK.

I love the bowl with the big bone trick :-)

This is amazing :) I will follow you and your families adventures. I'm new to Steemit, but already in love! This reminds me of my 2 years traveling Australia and New Zealand in a camper Van! <3 See you around! Greetings Embu

You my friend are a LEGEND!! I love this, i think you are truly living my dream mate!! :))

This looks like life worth living. And here I am in cubicle life Monday to Saturday. :(

It's never to late :)

You have such an interesting and adventurous life ! Loved going through your post :)

Wow, you have a nice camper. You live a spectacular life. It's a thing of beauty to see that your level of freedom can be attained in this present world. I'd definitely love to go on one of your trips with you...

Thank you @gotgame
Freedom is for everyone, it just takes a change in lifestyle to free us from whatever it is that holds us down.

Thanks for stopping by.

Well said

I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you again. I very much admire your story!

Thank you @noboxes
We appreciate the admiration :)

It was nice meeting you and some of your family :)

Dear your lifestyle is the dream of all of us in the world during our some boring life guau i offer my respect for you.
Thanks for share with us this amazing truck with a house inside.
Sound great travel and meet some of people and learn the best from diversity countries.
When you visited Central America, remember we are here
Best regard @galberto

Thank you @galberto
Glad you appreciate our way of life.

Central and South America are on our wish list :)

Looks bliss. I like the dog bowl tip i'l remember that one!

your post is very good.
you do not know me yet. I am a newcomer to steemit. but I know a lot about you.
you are a great person.
i need support from you. thank you

Looks amazing. Great advice and its great to follow you on here. Your an inspiration to many people.

Thank you for your kind words @peixeboi

I m gonna research about it...

Mark have you ever thought of writing a book on how to live free and fully? You and your family have so much experience and I think you have so much to share with others about living such a wonderful life. You can teach others what you have learned and help people navigate through their own journeys. You have so much to give and share! Continue your free life of love and adventure!!!

LOVE your inspiring post! Very engergizing and earth/freedom-centric. upvoted, following and suggested for @originalworks

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @markwhittam to be original material and upvoted(1.5%) it!

To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!

Wow!! This has always been a dream of mine: To take some old truck and convert it into an actual home. Not like a camper or caravan, but more DIY like you guys did. I think I would opt for a roof that can be raised upwards to create a little bit more space though!

One thing that I always wondered about is: what about the gas cost for the truck? I've no idea to be honest, but I always assumed they cost a ton of gas to drive anywhere, especially if you want to stay on the move and go to far away places. I guess if you're camping out like you are and staying in one place for weeks/months at a time it's not too bad, but if you want to stay on the move, doesn't it really eat at your budget?

EDIT: Perhaps once you're done with the truck, next you can get an old boat and convert it into a real 'homeboat', and sail the Mediterranean sea? how cool would that be :)

Interesting post.
Interesting lifestyle. ie no "roots" or base for a life, just a "gypsy" life.

Can I ask was this a "choice" or was it 'forced' upon you.

In some ways I'm envious, in other not so much.
Coming home from "holidays" can feel good also.

I really agree with you, if the departure must be very complicated, good post my friends upvotr and resteem

Thank you for the support @humaidi

you are welcome my friend, once visit my blog also my friend let add spirit in steemit, and need support from you

What kind of Truck or Van is your vehicle? Never seen one like it.

wow that will be great adventure.......

visit indonesia and find this one bro :

Good job my friend..

Hey Mark, it's so good you're promoting this lifestyle, we need more nomadic families. When on the road, you get to meet some of the most amazing people and you do get to see some of the most beautiful places. I have felt so blessed with the variety of park ups, I've had in the last 9 years. Mostly by the sea or mountains. Can't wait to get our truck back on the road, starting to get itchy feet. We got 2 big dogs as you know so security for us is sorted but like your bowl idea. Hopefully one day with can do a trip together. lots of love to your beautiful family, we miss you over here in Spain xx

Something about that short video has so much beauty and freedom.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really lovely the content .. beautiful pictures

Such an amazing life, I really like the photos

What an amazing life you are leading mate! Your kids are really the luckiest of all, getting a great guide like you showing them real life.
Btw if you are in my country one day...unfortunately you will not come driving though...I am on a island named Mauritius, you are guaranteed free stay at my place.
Wish you and your family health and lots of prosperity!
Steem On!

Wonderful post where you have mentioned about your experiences in different countries ..One thing I have learned is that just let go and follow the flow. Thanks for the tips you have provided but courage and guts are also needed.. Thanks for sharing..
I am resteeming it...

Wow, that area is beautiful. What a life! I love the idea about the dog bowl, but in our case we'd have the dog to go with it :) You guys are an inspiration. Very much so, because I am getting closer to the point of making a decision. We're leaving Ireland for sure (at least for a while) now it's just a matter of when and where :) Great to see your updates.

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Such a lovely lifestyle for your kids to grow up and experience the world. Though we are not planning to live on so many places, with 3 other friends and my hubby (and a baby on the way) we are looking into buying some land together in SE-Asia (prob Cambodia ause we like it here) and start our own little community. Looking into Earthships.... Might still take a while since we still have to find some land... and my best friend is gonna give birth in Europe first..... but one day all pieces of the puzzle we fall together ;) Steem on!

This is what a lot of us want to do and never have the courage to do. You guys are awesome and looks like you are having great fun at it too.

Buy a BIG dog bowl, put a giant bone in, and leave it outside your door.

I love this tip. We actually need an outdoor dog here in Panama, but we haven't gotten one. We have security lights that come on, but everyone says to get a dog. We have an indoor one, but having the appearance of an outdoor one without actually having one might work! So cool that you guys travel Europe. I'm just catching up on some of your older posts! :)