Time for Some Author Readings!!!!

in freewrite •  7 years ago  (edited)


brought to you by Marianne @mariannewest

Calling All the Freewriters!!!!

In the first two weeks of the Freewrite House, we told you about all the fun things we have planned for you! One of them is to entice you to take your stories from the written word to the spoken word.

Personally, I always have been fascinated by the salons of Gertrude Stein held in Paris in the 30s. It started out as a continuation or maybe an alternative to the French Academy Art salons (exhibits) and morphed from visual art to literary art. Here is an article about Gertrude and her salons if you are not familiar with them.

Now, I am not trying to compare us to the artists who gathered there - or maybe I am. They were pushing the limits of what was acceptable in the art world then - and all of us in the realm of anything having to do with crypto are part of the innovators of our times.

Even more so all of you - the residents and visitors of the Freewrite House.

We are here to play, to experiment, to see what can be done and aren't concerned with what others judge as acceptable or good or any label you can think of.

Come here to be free to experiment!!!

A while back, as part of the daily prompt, I called for author readings. I love to listen to the writer reading their own work - there is something magical about that!!

@snook was the first to rise to the challenge! In true snook fashion, she set a high bar.

A Fancy Author Reading

As I said, Snook is incredibly creative and goes in all the way!! She got our amazing fellow freewriter and artist @fireawaymarmot to provide artwork for the story she had written. The first video has snook talking about her process, the second one here is the story only.

A Simple Author Reading

Or keep it simple like I did here. I used photobooth on a Mac to record and there are frozen frames and such. All good!!

We are not looking for perfection!! We are looking for you to try it out. Play!!! Have fun!!

What You Do

  • Take your phone, your video camera or any recording device and read your story. It would be nice if you use a current prompt - but that is not a requirement.

  • If you are shy and don't want your face to show - you don't have to. But it would be fun to get to know you more!!

  • Upload your video to DTube if you wish, but YouTube is fine. We have found in the past that Dtube can be slow and suggest that you upload to both platforms and link to both.

  • Leave a link to your post in the comment section.

What We Do

  • You will receive a 100% upvote from the Freewrite House

  • Your post will be resteemed by the Freewrite House

  • You will receive a 100% upvote and a resteem by @mariannewest, @wandrnrose7, @byn, @improv, and @deaconlee

  • A tipu tip by @brisby

  • We will feature all entries in a future post here and on the Daily Prompt.

Hope you have lots of fun with this!!!

Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


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Here is me reading my #freewrite from yesterday ("Big Bird")...

You are just awesome!!!! That is your new title: Mr. Awesome!!!!

Thank you for being the first to jump on this challenge..... And if you can save it as an mp3 as well - you know, podcast and all :)

hahaha - that is right - we don't want to be left behind and just sit in our house and read each others stories lol

Let the world suffer with us!! 😂

So, funny story!!!! I got everything put together and accidently loaded it on The Yeti's account... AAAHHHH but i did it!


hahaha - that is funny!!! Do you want to make another post under your own profile? Or share this one? Up to you!!
You did great!!! And now, we are following you 😜

Yes!!! I made it! 😄

Go ahead and use this one...I'd hate to get flagged for sharing content. We changed the title so it has my name in it, and hopefully I can get the Yeti to share the payout! 😂

Tell him he has to or we are going to hang out in your kitchen forever!!! 🤪

Haha! I will let him know the threat is real!

It is!!! By now, he should know what we are capable off - with witches and such on our side 🤪


I will work on this challenge @Freewritehouse.
@mariannewest you and @snook do an amazingly good job. I did just one poetry reading on Dtube a bit ago. Thanks for always encouraging us to stretch into new mediums.

Yay!! That is fantastic!!! And freewrite poetry totally counts!! :)

Ah! I've been on vacation and visiting family...so I haven't visited in awhile! Is this still a thing? Can I still participate??

Yes! by all means. Until the payout of the post - and if you don't get around to it - this will show up again!

Ok great! I'm kind of excited now!

Looking forward to your first one :)

We are so glad you did this!!! going into tomorrow's prompt!!

I took the challenge! Poor upload speeds kept me from getting it online until now, but here it is: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@wordymouth/theimportanceofwritingprompts-ccrambmrks/

We are so glad that you decided to do this!!!

Awesome! I will definitely try this during the weekend!! #justgiveitatry

That is the attitude!!! If you can, also save it as an mp3 so we have podcast material!!

I guess I'll be able to do that, happy for the moment that the whole video upload thing worked, haha ;)


OMGosh DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I'm not sure if I can, but I did it anyway, LOL! Thank you soooo much!!

Lovin your tag!!

Thank you so much! Now there's also a video that fits the tag ;))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

--Hallo @mariannewest, I've read some and added #freewritehouse to my poetry, but this I had not seen. In my posts however, Nurringginnini, there are four spirit dance videos in which my brother Waldy tells some knowledge allowed to gubba (white fella), and in the latest Nurringginnini, Waldy tells the Dreamtime story of, How the Achydna got it's quills. I don't think I tagged it freewritehouse but it is in aboriginal first and review last with culture and education and family, if you can't find straight away. Of course you can find in my blog within last two days. Also the post after, I had lost my notes, so told as close as I can remember, How-to upload voice only to dsound.
Keep on keeping on. 😇

Thank you. That sounds interesting... - the videos. Will try to find them...

😊 #0467(b) ; #0475 ; #0482 ; #0486 ; [#0501] 😇

I've finally finished the authors reading of all 6 parts of my ongoing freewrite. After 6 hours of editing it made the cut as a proper surreal dtube/youtube reading. I hope you enjoy:

Altered States of Freewrite

6 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good Lord!!!!!!! Bravo on just that alone!!!!!

now off to watch LOLL

Six hours of editing!!! That is true dedication! Thank you soooo much!!!

Caved under the pressure here is me reading the #freewrite thanks everyone

Well, we are glad that we are good at pressuring people!! Couldn't get DTube to play but will try from a different server....

I can't decide which on to read! I am going to record one this weekend, though!!! Maybe it will end up being whatever I write tomorrow, otherwise, I'll have to just go find my favorite :)