Deodorize -5minutefreewrite

in freewrite •  7 years ago 


Boogie on down to the deodorant factory.

You'll find a lot of stinkies there.

We meet a lot of people.

They live hard, die young.

Martin, Luther, and John.

Now tell me a story about a ragtag man, who held open a door as long as he can.

He'll Hold Door

Hold Door
Hodl Door, they cry

And when they press speed stick to him, he'll sigh and die and die.

Don't forget the tortuous tunes

The ones beside the banana runes. There's a kid coming towards me he's squirmy as DUCK!
I think you;ll agree He's one cute little schmuck

There's a big old hat on my head today. It's made of my thoughts from yesterday. It has alll the worries and all the control ... of a lazy flying rat that is known as Barbar.

I need to fund a new use for the moose. He fell off the back of a random caboose. He can't find his way home. He lives all alone, so he'll just go ahead and go to rome go to rome.

Jump up and jump down, and put on your crown... You're the kind now, Mr. And you have a big blister

I need to lose weight. I want to lose weight. I feel ok, but when I see my self I think squirmy thoughts ugh
self self self

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I help you fund a new use for the moose!! sounds like a worthy cause... 😹

Egg salad! He can become a chef, but he'll need start-up funds.

Who knew a prompt like deodorize could be so fun. You had me as soon as your first word was "boogie" here lol.

Pretty nifty work with some of those rhymes. Duck-schmuck, moose-caboose,what's not to love?

It’s your Wednesday prompt deliverer here with today’s challenge:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If you like ducks and moose, you'll love MONKEYS!

I didn't even do a pun about monk's keys in it.