On Freewriting

in freewrite •  7 years ago 

Well, look at that. Freewriting has become a thing on Steemit. I mean, it was already a thing, but now it's a whole community, and lo and behold...

I've been recognized for my sticktoitiveness.

So, I've been asked to write about it a bit.

Okay. Okay.

First, freewrite however you like.

For me, this is why.


If you have an amount of time during the day when you must do something, you will do it during that time. I will write for 5 minutes a day. Even if I'm sick, even if I'm exhausted. I will start a timer and I will write.


I don't even know what the thoughts are that are going on in my brain. Many of them get crushed. Many of them get forgotten. Many of them get filed under "this thought is bad". For 5 minutes, all my thoughts are allowed to exist and get expressed. It's a relief, and it helps me get over my fear of being judged.


It's a declaration of self. I am here on Steemit daily. Other people, who aren't put off by all the secret thoughts laid out on the table, get to find me and I get to find them. You can't be silent on Steemit.

There are also three different kinds of freewrites that I noticed I do.


When I'm exhausted, that when you get those "freer freewrites" as @mariannewest once called my freewrites. I had a cold yesterday, so you got one of those. Here's another: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@improv/corn-5minutefreewrite


A story. I usually do these when I'm feeling most awake. I usually start with a character noun (a name or pronoun) in the first sentence, and then I find it easy-ish to follow them. Here's one: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@improv/if-you-have-any-thoughts-please-let-me-know-5minutefreewrite


A poem. These often start as undecideds, like the "freer" ones, but then, because I'm not too exhausted, I start to hear a rhythm to the words, and my mind stays just one step ahead of my fingers. (In "freer" ones, my fingers are usually a couple steps ahead of my mind). Sometimes they just happen because a hard return is easier than a period + space. Here's one: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@improv/three-grapes-5minutefreewrite

Four (because I'm a liar)

First person... these are probably the easiest to fall into. The character is there already, I don't have to bother naming them. I don't know what distinguishes these... Actually, you know what? This is to stories as "freer"s are to poems. I set out to write a story, but I'm too tired to think outside myself. Here's one: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@improv/ooze-5minutefreewrite


I guess I also do just descriptions sometimes... but those usually fit into stories eventually. Man, a retrospective can be just a long list...

and just for completion's sake, here's my very first freewrite on Steemit:

ummm... it won't load all the way to the end...

It's all still there on the blockchain, though, right?

Here's the oldest one that loaded: https://steemit.com/improv/@improv/overeat-5minutefreewrite

Yeah. What the heck.

Here, using the steemit tag search, I was able to find this older one: https://steemit.com/improv/@improv/bugs-5minutefreewrite

But I don't know if that was my first. I think not. I think I explained what freewriting was in my very first one... But maybe it was, and I didn't do that until later, and maybe just in a comment.

Anyways. Hurrah!

Here's the first photo I added to a freewrite:

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“My mind stays one step ahead of my fingers” Best description of free writing.

I love freewriting. When I was an English teacher I used to start all my classes with a warm-up freewrite.

Thanks for sharing all your methods. You make the freewriting community fun to be a part of.

An excellent thing to do with students!

All glory to the hypnotoad!! Err.. I mean.. ALL GLORY TO THE FREEWRITE! What always amazes me is that this daily writing excercise is so simple (at a first glance) but at the same time deep and various as the variety of our brains. I drunk your article like a refreshing beer in a torrid augustan day..cheers!!

Goodness! Quaff-worthy? That's alesome!

Quaff and Duff worthy @improv! 😂

What you been drinking lately?

That's when I'm at work, I need to be like that for the sake of my mental health..but drinking would be a good option too.

You just answered one of my questions...thank you! After I do a freewrite, I wonder why it turned out the way it did. When I thought it would be a story, it turns into a poem. I wonder why some do not have names of the characters and some do. But I still wonder why some are sad and and others are happy and funny. I guess that is because of the mood I am in that day? Tip!

We get to catch a snapshot of our brains in the moment!

For 5 minutes, all my thoughts are allowed to exist and get expressed.

I love this so so much.

Thank you very much for this insightful post, @improv.

Oh and also, you look greatin that photo ^^

And love your picture!!!

So love it!! Funny that you have the tired, half tired and fresh freewrite categories. I think that is how my brain works too.

Will come back with a vote :)


I'm not a freewriter, but your Reason #3 really had an impact on me. With the declaration of self and getting people to find each other. I've been trying to be more consistent in posting. That reason is big -- that, and being able to host more parties. "You can't be silent on Steemit." Thanks!

Yes! Your parties are so much fun! Will there be a Valentines one? Oooo! I'll make Next Week's Punday (February 12-19) be Valentine themed! If you make a Valentine party, you can send folks over to drop their party jokes on Punday and be eligible to win there as well!

I'm not stocked up for a party next week. I better start planning for something sometime! And I better exercise my Pun Muscles sometime. I check your Punday posts but then skulk away when I can't think of a pun. I've got pun wasting syndrome! :O

Regular exercise is important! Well, I'll be having a punny pas de deux, but for more than two Monday! Punhaps you'll be punsuaded to pun!

Great list of tips you have here, man! I see what you did there, masking a recap in between them. I see you.

That's actually what was requested of me. The recap is masking the tips. :P

Oh I realized late that it was the task for the over 20 club!

You are the punniest guy in all of freewrite, and you add many of the the twists and turns that make it so fun. Just the fact that we can always count on you being there is huge, if there were only one freewrite for the day I know that it would be yours!

Thank you for the freewrite. I get the prompts between 7pm and 8pm my time. I won't go bed without writing one. I had no experience of creative writing before this, but it was the support of everyone that encouraged me to continue.

.....and when someone tells me I'm crazy, that is the greatest compliment of all.

Cheers to you :-)

Indeed. Living "out there" is the only way to see the stars.

Nice tips, thank you!

These'll definitely come handy. I'm thinking of joining this online course on how to better your writing. I'll learn these first before venturing out, hehe.

Thank you!

Kindest regards,

You're welcome! And go check out @mariannewest's daily prompt

Will do!

Hi @improv! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0 SBD @tipU from @whatisnew :)

@whatisnew wrote lately about: Day 97: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday-Prompt: Bowl. Feel free to follow @whatisnew if you like it :)

Tipuvote! - upvote any post with with 2.5 x profit :)

Great time!

good job man :)

welcome aboard :)

Very Cool and motivational!