Pill -5minutefreewrite

in freewrite •  7 years ago 

For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-64-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-pill

She took the last pill. One more month. There was a calendar on the wall of a happy puppy. There was a feather boa hanging on a hook. There was an OKCupid profile open on her laptop.

She took a deep breath, pushed her shoulders back, flung the boa over her shoulders and left the apartment.

Footloose and fancy-free, she sang to herself.

Kimberley waited at the bus stop. A piece of chewed up gum was on the bench. Stephanie looked up at Kimberley from next to the piece of chewed gum. Something crossed Stephanie's face. There was a squinching of the eyebrows and a pursing of the lips. Kimberley noticed, and then looked at her reflection in the glass. Behind her reflection, old Mark Hamill looked like a wizard. Someone who would give you a quest.

-end of 5 minutes, but I have a little more to write-

She saw the tension in her own face. Tight lips, unnaturally smooth brow, motionless face. She consciously tried relaxing it. One muscle, another muscle, another muscle. She didn't succeed.

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Nice one this. I liked the style.

Oh and you are top of the trending page for the anguish tag. Congrats!

Ha! That's interesting. I wonder how many people are looking at the anguish tag.

maybe more than we know!!