Day 90, Prompt: Children - 5 Minute Freewrite Challange

in freewrite •  7 years ago 


As I child I think I was pretty normal. I can't really define normal but whatever it is I think I was that. I tried hard to fit in with the wrong people and made terrible choices, but I didn't know any better.

We moved to Australia when I was five and it wasn't hard to make friends at that age. Everybody was friends with everybody. We were just being children.

It's funny though, I have this one memory where we were told to write a story. I wasn't very good at any of the other classes but I loved writing stories.

I wrote this amazing story on trolls and magical creatures, that I was very proud of. A day or so after we handed our stories into the teacher, he called my 'best friend' and I up to his desk.

Our stories were pretty much the same. I explained that my story was my own but he didn't believe me because I was terrible at every other class, but my friend was amazing at everything. So, I got told off for something that wasn't my doing. I just remember feeling so betrayed, espically because she was taking the credit for my work!

As a child I made many mistakes and some of them I regret deeply. Unfortunately for us we can't go back and change those little things we did, we just have to move on and leave the past in the past.

This post is in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest & @improv. Today's prompt was 'Children.' If you're wanting to participate in the #dailyfreewritechallenge, just follow the link:

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,


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How sad you were questioned on your story. It's tough growing up. Nice freewrite!

I tried hard to fit in with the wrong people

so powerful and I think so many did and do. The incident with your friend sucks!! So many kids experience injustice like that and it can stick with them for a long time.
mistakes are just things we would do differently now - all part of who we are

Thank you for sharing your memory!!

Great stuff @mel1ss! You said it..."move on and leave the past in the past..."

By the way, you won a 1 Ounce Silver Coin know where.....Yayyyyy!! Congrats!!

That's a good thing 😁
Check ur Steemit Chat from him