Day 668: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: describe the view from your bedroom window

in freewrite •  5 years ago  (edited)

@mariannewest in #freewrite

On the second day of my arrival in Fresno and after moving, carrying and arranging boxes, I fell dead tired on the couch slept hard for a long time. When I woke up it was still dusk – the difference in time zone must have affected me. I went to the balcony of my second-story apartment and looked around. Far on the horizon, I saw the orange haze of the sunset adding the color fringing to birds’ chirping. The complex looked clean and well taken cared off – grass was carefully cut, trees were blossoming, the cars stood accurately under the carport. It was too early for people and I enjoyed some solitude and felt one with nature. Then on another side of the complex, I noticed a man who was carrying some bulky object. Apparently, he was directed toward his car under the carport. When he came closer, I could have a closer look at the carrying object and gasped once recognizing it. He was carrying the body of another man. I quickly bent down. Shit! What if that man, whoever he was a gangster or serial killer noticed me? What should I do? Call the police? What if they will call me to testify in court?

I heard Fresno was not a very safe city, but I didn’t expect anything like that so soon.

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Wait, what? For real? Sometimes the freewrites are fiction and sometimes they are not.
If there was a crime, you could be asked to testify I think

LOL Not for real. I was just kidding. No, I didn't actually witness the murder. )))

I keep reading true stories on steem and that seemed real. whew! OK then! Great story!!!!!

Thank you! Most of it was true about my arrival to Fresno and about the fact that Fresno isn't a very safe city. But the murder part was fictitious. )))

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Thank you! I posted it.