Day 825: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: cleftsteemCreated with Sketch.

in freewrite •  5 years ago  (edited)


Split up and divided in two, one as one and the two as the zero, three fled the scene to become a looped up lucky charm all while the lip became cleft and the words came clearer. They clapped their feet, he thanked the audacious audience, gave his girlfriend a high five, opened up his third eye. The crepitation of the physical vibrations that make up this here table, this here chair, foreign laptop with communist spies, keys that chime away with the beat of fingertips. Allowing one’s whip of wit snap and slap down like a hammer, for tonight is the night, the big show, put up on stage like a star, burnt out meteorite destined to some sort of explosive adventure. Thou shall not let thy Clept get in the way of one’s better judgement, for the talent shines, and the attitude is good. Peeled back like an orange, dosed with the vitamin needed to see, jazzed up like a poet ready for the verbal to be awoken.


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Reads like a poem

Feels like a freewrite

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

What different feelings we have

I like your painting
Same as your words.
Shock those five and Stay Great!
I'm reloading to vote and reSTEEM.

Woop woop

Magnificent prose poem! Cleft -- clapped -- clept -- marvelous!

Thank you