Five Minute Freewrite: Radio Show

in freewrite •  7 years ago 

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Radio show.

Radio show radio show radio show those are words.

I don't want to write the things that are coming to my mind.

Not that they're problematic, they're just boring.

But so is this.

Gah. Five minute freewrites aren't hard, but they aren't exactly easy to be really excited about. I know that's not the point. I mean, I'm not not excited about writing them. It's just, sometimes, something really fun happens and a story comes out, or a memory that I really want to write about, something that either feels more creative or more meaningful than the surface mind blather. Which is what this feels like. And what does any of this have to do with radio show? Nothing, except that at first I was going to write about the things that I'm now about to write about, except that I'm stopping myself from writing about them in this very moment because I guess I'd rather run out the time writing about nothing at all. So this is what's happening. Lovely. I don't want to write that other thing that just popped into my head, either, so I'll write about not wanting to write about that. Just delightful, this is. Yippee. Is the five minutes up yet? Because I can't imagine anyone enjoying reading this. Well, maybe that's not exactly true. I mean, it can be kind of fun to read stream of consciousness, or I dunno exactly what you'd call this type of self-censoring stream of consciousness, but whatever. I can imagine it not being too horrible to read. But really, the time may be up and the timer may not be dinging. I'll just check.

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I don't want to write about it either LOL - whatever it is you were thinking about

Sounds like my thoughts...all the time
I am curious now, what is the other thing that popped up ...hmmmm guess I'll never know or maybe it might be in the next freewrite :)


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Writing about writing is always fun. Sometimes I look at the prompt and shy away so its better to keep the follow through.

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