Back to be a part time vegetarian / パートタイムベジタリアンに戻ります

in fruitsandveggiesmonday •  7 years ago  (edited)


During my stay in Thailand I enjoyed eating what I want to eat following my desire. I went to KFC after 7 years (last time it was in India with same German guys), bought super sweet bubble tea on street, drunk orange juice after a while. It was nice.


Since I came back to Germany, I've thinking that now I have to care a bit more about what I eat, the environment and my body. Also I feel my body demands plant based food with less sugar and fat. So it's a good chance for me to decide to be back to my regular dietary life on #fruitsandveggiesmonday & #meatlessmonday.


But yes I know the avocado in the salad came from far far away from Germany. I think my body is still half in tropical mood. I gradually fix it.

といいつつ写真のアボカドも遠ーーーくから来ているのでこのあたりも考えないといけないのですが、まだ体は半分南国にいるようで、少しずつ、少しずつ :)

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i love veggie too, especially the bitter one

do you like the bitter vegetables ?

I like radicchio and rucola kind of bitterness. And bitter melon of course as an Asian :)

oh yum the bitter melon are my favourites and papaya flower is good too...

followed for more food

Thank you @killythirsk. I must try papaya flower. I was in Thailand but only I ate its fruit part.

you are welcome

(And it's great that you are a fractal artist! I like the mathematical chaos. Followed!)

thank you :)


家の隣に畑があるのですね。うらやましい!私もいつかそんなおうちをみつけたいです :)


ナメクジわかります。。以前10本以上植えたかぼちゃが一晩で茎だけになってしまいました・・・あと苺も早い者勝ちでした ;)


キャンプのある生活も素敵ですよ :D


やった、お仲間が増えるとうれしいです :) 家族の好みやおつきあいもあるのでゆるゆるとできる範囲で続けています。


ベジタリアンもどきと書くととたんにおしゃれじゃなくなりますね ;)

I am avocado addict and I have to have it everyday, lol. Luckily Mexico is not that far from Ontario Canada where I live. We get all the fruits and veggies from there during the wintertime.

Thank you so much for joining us @akipponn, the salad looks super yummy, just the way I like it 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

We have avocados from Spain in the sumer time but now not much available from the EU area.
Thank you for hosting #fruitsandveggiesmonday @lenasveganliving. It is always difficult for me to decide which to go for #needleworkmonday or #fruitsandveggiesmonday on Monday ;)