Uphill both ways in 10 inches of snow sweating like a madman

in fun •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was thinking today of the "one uppers" and how as much as they always come in different names, speak different languages and are wrapped in a variety of outfits but they are never too far away from any social circles.


You know exactly who I'm referring to

As a matter of fact, the one upper might be behind you reading along. Be smart, don't turn around, don't look at him/her because if you do you will be in trouble, and that's not the goal here, we are simply having a little chat.

The funny thing about the "one uppers" is that for the most part we all get them, I mean... who doesn't want to win right? and you can make everything a nintendo game if you choose to I guess.

But you know what I don't get?

The need to win at losing, that part makes less sense. What am I talking about you ask? Well there are some "one uppers" who have elevated their CHI to some ridiculous levels to the point where they don't know anymore when its OK to dial it back by a couple of clicks.

Now this type of "one upper" is an enigma to most of us. Why would you want to race backwards to the start line after all?

We can only speculate

As to why our friend here would like to lose harder than you, but they key operational word here is speculate.

There might be a psychologist among our midst who is able to shed some light on the situation better than I ever could, so if you are reading this my new psychologist friend, please share... this one has been bugging me probably my whole life and I would like to know before the elevator hits 40.

Is it Attention?

I guess it could be that simple, after all there is not one of us who does not like to feel relevant, but if I was to leave it at that I would also have to say that "one uppers" are not smart enough to recognize good attention from bad, and most of the one's I've met don't seem to be mentally challenged.

Then again... How do we define Intelligence? I don't believe in IQ tests anyways, I took one a long time ago and I'm supposed to be a genius yet I'm painfully aware of my own intelectual limitations.

My father used to talk a lot about emotional intelligence

And it's a subject of much debate and one that truly fascinates me. We seem to think of someone who is intelligent as someone who is good with numbers, quick to learn new things and overall a repository of knowledge, of wisdom. But none of these traits can truly encapsulate intelligence at least not by themselves.

But maybe my father was on to something here, after all emotions are entangled with all of our decisions and there are even studies who prove without a doubt that without emotions we would not even be able to chose right over left. Think about that! if there was a little button the side of your head that turned off your feelings you would not make to Walmart at 2 am tonight, and we both know that's the best time to go for people watching. (I know you do it too, don't lie)

So what can we do?

I have not the slightest clue, this piece was not a solution to exterminate "one uppers" as I am not convinced they don't have a role to play in modern society, after all I would not be making this post if they didn't exist and this post could easily make a few SBD (wishful thinking) and at least for this reason I can say I'm grateful for their existence.

This does not mean that I want to be their friend, and I must be clear I guess. I just like to observe, ponder the WHY, while making a similar expression to Mr Mullet here on my dank gif animation.

You want to call them out?

I guess you could, but I will tell you this. It does not work, it never has, it never will they are wired to operate in this manner and if you call them out, they might reply something like - "Well... I see how it is... but you know what? ... You are not the only person to be mean to me like this, because so and so... "

You will be sitting there scratching your head asking yourself....

Did this guy just "one upped" me again????????

As always, thank you for reading... much love

meno logo.png

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That was good, but…
It’s true those kinds of trolls are bit like mosquitoes, you just want to swat them, but when has correcting anybody online ever really worked?
”oh wow you’re so right. I was so wrong. You are the arbiter of truth!” Said nobody ever. Instead we often find that we ourselves get our backs up, just like they do. We know this and many others are slowly starting to realise it too. At least that we leave the conversation feeling yucky. And They do too.
Yet so often we find ourselves in online debates without realising the futility of such pursuits.
Is that the point where we need to shut down our own online addiction and turn our consciousness and attention towards the within in order to find a sense of validation within ourselves is that the point where we need to shut down our own online addiction and turn on consciousness and attention towards the within in order to find a sense of validation within ourselves lest we become what we detest.

Anyway, another very thought-provoking article from you sir, so thanks for that bro.

For Comment of the year!! You can make a post exactly about this brother... there is some wisdom in those lines right there!

On the lighter side, when you first said "one uppers" I thought you were talking about talking mind altering substances! hehe

I didn´t know the term in English, I had, I recently put distance with someone I knew that was this way all the time :( and I'm rarely a "put distance person". We all unconsciously, in one one or another bring the conversations sometimes to the "I", even if not intended, but then there are pathological cases, people that can be nor even less sick than you are, nor less rich or poor, nor less anything all the time. I don't know if it's attention, but we all sense when someone goes beyond "normal". Most cases are harmless, and I would say respond to lack of confidence but others (this was the case) expose cases of unhealthy jealosy (of everything good or bad). And these cases can get bitter and become trolls. I fail to see them coming most of the time. :( though.

I'm supposed to be a genius yet I'm painfully aware of my own intelectual limitations.

I c wut u did ther. Lmao

Nice post, one up vote me

I've discovered over the past few years that I tend to react to some subjects in a post before my brain catches up to my typing fingers. I'll say something that's based on my emotional view point, and then, about the time I get hip deep in the discussion, I realize what is happening. I used to just dig in deeper, but I've learned to remove myself from the discussion before it gets worse. People talking past each other never solves anything. Let them "win", it causes you no harm.

I think your approach is the wisest one.

I enjoyed this, Meno. And I know what you mean, and it gets really complicated sometimes trying to figure out what makes someone tick.

Sometimes I think it's just loneliness and maybe even an attempt to bond with someone. My sister and I do this with each other..

"Once this happened to me.." ..

."Omg yes! But listen to what happened to me!"

"Whaaaat! But I forgot to tell you this part.. you can't imagine what this was like!"

"That happened to me too!"

We're pretty annoying to be around when we're like that. Ha. We really do try to one up each other at times.. but we only usually do that with each other. We have deep-seated competetive issues from our childhoods. Lol. We can't help it.

Anyway, sometimes people are trying to build themselves up (or bury themselves deeper?) to get attention, I'm sure. Other times they really just might be trying to bond with you. Sometimes letting them win means being cloer friends. I'm probably not making sense.

I just wanted to say that I get where you're coming from:) I'm actually in my hometown this weekend and hanging out with my sister a lot here at my parents house. So that's why I am relating to this so much. We're the queens. Now I have to run and find some funny YouTube vids to measure up to the ones she will show me later! Lol.

Cheers dear! 🌸

I think you are referring to the "me too's" that is a different breed of sapiens... but i know exactly what you mean... :)

Great post ! Great thought

your post is great