Michelle's February 2018 Roundup

in fun •  7 years ago 



February went by really fast for me, but I was able to discover a lot of new things - both within my internal (self) world and external world.

This is the start of a new project I'll be doing - a end of the month roundup, where I'll be sharing what I'm working on, learning and enjoying. This is all in alignment to Self-Development, Personal Growth and Self-Care - 3 aspects that have been priority in my life.

Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Podcast Episodes

The top 5 podcast episodes I listened to and recommend are:


  • A Man Called Ove: You can read my movie review here
  • Marvel's Black Panther: You can read my movie review here
  • Enter the Dragon: Bruce Lee's first and last Hollywood-made film. It was awesome to see him and how he moved. Also was neat to watch a movie from the 70's - the outfits and hair styles were fun to observe.

My partner Aldin (@nebi), has never seen the Lord of the Rings, The Goonies, and Indiana Jones movies. So far we watched them all except the last 2 Indiana Jones movie in February.

TV Shows

  • My TV show indulgence is currently House of Cards. To me, it's so well-made it's delicious - everything from the characters, to the look of the film, the scenery and music... I learn so much about the nature of man (power and corruption) through this show. Provides points for me to introspect who I am within certain situations. My #1 favorite show.
  • As long time King of Queens fans Aldin and I enjoy Kevin James's new show Kevin Can Wait
  • SOON: Going to be watching Germany's version of Stranger Things called DARK on Netflix! Looking forward to it!


Currently Reading: Dan Brown's ORIGIN: I am alllllllllmost done with this book. I've been slow with it because I've allowed other things to get in the way from one of my favorite lesiure activities - reading. So now I carve time out in the morning before I start my work (45 minutes of reading). If I have time at night, I read before bed.

Next Book in Line: Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Because it's such a big book - the book club I'm in is giving us 2 months to read it (whew!).


Recommended Articles & Blog Posts

Personal Self-Development Work

Topics I've personally been exploring:

  • Who I am as the Feminine / Femininity
  • My Relationship with Grudges & Holding Grudges
  • Self-Forgiveness

Self-Care Purchase: Sara Miller's Parrot-Fabric Journal which I will use as my Personal Growth and Self-Introspection Journal and answer questions such as:

How do I create the awareness and maturity I want to achieve? What are my sustainable / short-mid-and-long-term living goals? Where am I going? Who do I want to be? And how will I get there? From EQAFE

How did I spend my time, energy, and resources this month? Has this been in alignment with what I want to create? From FemFlow

Hobbies & Food:

  • Cycling: I LOVE LOVE my cycling class. I wrote about it and how it benefits me here
  • Yoga: Yoga with Adriene is my go-to source for free yoga classes!
  • Alfredo Sauce: I made Alfredo Sauce for our spaghetti dinner one night. It's a hit in our home now. Recipe here.
  • Eating Healthier : Smoothie Bowls in the Morning - a new breakfast I'm testing out that was inspired by my visit to a Superfood Cafe.

What's Coming Up in March...

  • Secret Project: Created by me and Aldin. Planning to launch sometime this month!
  • A 24 hour trip to Berlin
  • Warmer weather (hopefully)
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This is super convenient! All kinds of interresting things to look in to. Nicely ordered in one place :) Thanks!

Thanks Michel :)