Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the United States, and in addition to remembering the sacrifices of military personnel who have died in battle, it also marks the unofficial start of summer, with people all around the country getting together with family and grilling out in their backyards. With that in mind:
Why did James Bond cook all the meat at the barbecue?
He was licensed to grill.
This guy can looks like he can cook up a good pun when he needs to (source)
For those who are celebrating Memorial Day tomorrow, enjoy the day! Spend time with family and friends, and take at least a few moments to remember those who are no longer with us. I've had a number of family members in the military – my dad, uncle and brother in the Navy, my step-dad in the Army, and a second cousin who just finished his Marine bootcamp about a month ago – but fortunately none of them died while on duty. To all those who have lost friends and family members, you have my condolences.
Sunday Punday
- May 14: Sunday Punday: Mother's Day Edition
- April 23: You Asped For It
- April 16: This Easter One Is Eggselent
- April 9: You Got a Beef With Me?
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