dTube: What Word/Phrase Screams Ignorance When Someone Uses It?

in funny •  7 years ago 

What Word/Phrase Screams Ignorance When Someone Uses It?

Audience Question: Is there a particular word or phrase that immediately makes you think someone is not intelligent?

Let me know your thoughts!

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"Ancient wisdom".
Usually only said by people who have no scientific literacy or understanding of how the world works today, so they feel good by believimg they have somehow gained some unique wisdom by just reading some old Asian sayings rather than doing the hard work to obtain knowledge themselves.

I have used this in past and I feel so stupid for it , any sentence starting with - " You people"

Praise the Lord and Allahu Snackbar! These are hardcore stupid phrases.

Oh, here's another one - "Christian nation"
"The US was founded as a Christian nation." or "This is a Christian nation."

Well, Christian nations actually exist, such as Uguanda. It has Christian rape gangs and everything.

Well, I meant in respect to the US specifically.

'It's not my fault'

"I'm not racist, but"

yeah, that's a good one


Depends on the context a lot. Is there one universal context corresponding to intelligence? I don't think so.

@davidpakman here is my answer and I hope I didn't offend any people to my amswer.

Most people are just wise in human activity and are simply clever in the earthly work. But in spiritual conversation, most people do not know the word of God written in the Bible and are really ignorant.

"I'm a classical liberal".

"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences."
The people who say this think free speech is only for the First Amendment and the government, not a broader principle. They also seem to use it as an excuse for their own censorious nature.

actually, I think your statement is completely wrong

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can't recall any time I've heard that phrase where the person wasn't saying it to justify censorship.
Edit: To be clear, it's not that the phrase is incorrect, it's how I've seen it used.

Depends what you mean by "Consequences". Nowadays I've seen more people cry "free speech" to escape criticism than I've seen people actually censored. Sometimes people aren't anti-speech, they are just anti-bullshit.

Speech can have social consequences that aren't censorship, sure, but when I hear this phrase it seems to always be coming from someone who is ignoring that free speech is a broader principle and simultaneously advocating for or defending the censorship of someone.

Socialism is not that bad... :P

I think they are not smart, not because of IQ, but their hard work has not been maximized

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment