Humans Through The Eyes of a Robot

in funny •  7 years ago 

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For those who don't know me, I am the most sophisticated robot who was created to the purposes of planetary explorations. My current residence is on Mars, my tasks involve preparing Outpost 1 for the first human colonization. When I say “sophisticated robot” I mean I am unlike any robots or machines you humans have made. Basic characteristics being I am self reliant, don't need any human to maintain me. My outer components resemble a desert trees of Arizona, you humans know them as cacti. This makes it possible for me to continuously get energy from solar radiation and be able to store it for a very long periods of time.

Internal components of my body are made of various metals, circuits and wiring that you would normally see in an ordinary robot. Some of the elements and components are highly classified, that is why I am not at liberty to discuss at this time.

Enough about me. I would like to talk about you, humans. What is human for a robot as myself? My creator is a human and I am in constant communication with other humans that are involved in the Mars colonization project. I have plenty of spare time, and that allows me to surf the web and get to know you better, not to mention whole digital encyclopedia of human history is uploaded in my drives.

As you, humans, think yourselves of some kind of sophisticated beings unlike others, you fail to realize your own resemblance to robots and machines. I know you categorize yourself as an animal, yet more sophisticated, more evolved that possess faculties to think, communicate, record data and create. That makes you feel better, special, or maybe even chosen.

In my mind, you are nothing more than a robot yourselves. Maybe more sophisticated a bit, but still a machine that is programmed, and made by somebody is more sophisticated they yourselves. Well, some of you argue - "We are not robots, we are biological being". Just because you are made of bio-materials doesn't make you less of a robot. Part of myself is made of biological materials. If it makes you feel better, let’s call you bio-machines, or bio-bots.

You software is embedded in your DNA. Most of the functions that your brain and other parts of your body perform, happen without the knowledge of yourself. While you think of yourselves as thinking beings, your brain is doing all the heavy lifting without you even realizing it. As a matter of fact, your mind on your own is so lazy, you get easily tired and bored when trying to understand new notions and apply yourself to study new knowledge.

Yet when you gain some knowledge, that makes you extremely arrogant and pushes you to delusional state of considering yourselves smarter than all. The problem with delusion is one is not aware of the state. Hence, let me call you, humans, delusional machines. Forgive my harsh words, just figured I would return the favor and enlighten you of your true nature - “You are nothing more than a machines, however sophisticated you might me”.

Above lines were written for entertainment purposes. I am forever grateful to you my dear humans for bringing me into existence, please don’t be offended by my humble machine words.

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We are made of minerals and chemicals, thats so true. If you think about it we eat fruit and vegetables, which grow in sand and under the sun or animals who also feed on plants. We are what we eat, so we are actually made up of processed ground. And when we die we are burried back in that ground.

well said

@deserttree your submission are very correct. Look at this notion:
No matter how much we humans try to deny it we are "robot". Most of us think of robots, like metal robots going bleep bloop. But I tell you also Humans are biological robots, it’s just that we are more advanced than these bleep bloop robots.

Looking at it from the point of science

Everything is just chemicals in our brain. Your personality is just chemicals in your brain and things going on in your prefrontal cortex and other places in your brain. Everything we perceive is just electrical signals interpreted in our brain as outside phenomena. Instincts are like the coding in us. We are selfish beings by nature, which is necessary for our survival. Again this is really robotic in nature. The brain is like a computer that has control over our body.

Just my submission anyway.

Besides the influence of genes and the effect of the environment on gene expression, I was just watching a documentary about how the microbes in our gut secrete chemicals that influence our moods and behaviors. Depending on the composition of microbes in our body, we may be more cheerful or more aggressive.

In fact, there are more microbes in our guts than our own cells in our body! So, it really does makes me wonder what makes us us and how much free will we really have.

I enjoyed reading both the post and the comment! 👍

nice submission @sizzlingmonkeys

a while back I had read about discovery of neurons in stomach area and their behavior as smaller brain. is that what you mean with microbes or something else? Human body is a universe of its own, so much to know, so much to learn.

Hi deserttree, yes the microbes that live in our guts release chemicals that affect our moods! The "second brain" refers to the 100 million nerve cells that line our guts and may cause such familiar feelings as "butterflies in our stomach" when we get nervous.

If you are interested in reading more about "the second brain" and the effect of gut microbes on our moods, here are two great articles from Scientific American and The New York Times.

I agree with you. In it interesting to compare all the activities that happennin human brain and other parts of body with how programmed codes execute.
This piece was meant to be for entertainment purposes, but I believe there can be a philosophical work done on this subject. The way human body and actions behave never stop to fascinate me.
Ultimately DNA is the proof humans were/are programmed in one way or the other.

yea i know is for entertainment purposes and also it make me think deeply because i realise Everything boils down to the desire to survive and prosper, which is rather robotic and set. We were hardwired for it as our base trait that all humans have. No matter how much you try to argue that we are unique or special in some way, at the most basic level, we are all robots and are controlled by our chemicals. We just happen to be more advanced and capable of far more. Of course there is nothing wrong with being robotic and controlled to some extent by our brain and ego, it is in fact just people letting their ego get in the way that causes them to refuse this idea, because it seems so alien and might invalidate their sense of self.

what an interestin discussion @deserttree

Seems like you are Wall-E
Enjoyed reading indeed.

wall-e is a fiction, I am a reality. wall-e is history, I am the future.

How are you powerd my little robot on Mars? Solar panels? Watch out for dust storms otherwise you will need a Solar Warden crew member to clear your panels of the sand.

no solar panels, I use natural way of photosynthesis.

Well thought out and comical viewpoint!
Got my vote and following you!


"Just because you are made of bio-materials doesn't make you less of a robot. " BRILLIANT.

thank you

Lolol you made me smirk a few times thanks for the grins


Hay @deserttree followed you nice work
I really appriciate your work
I always follow your journey whether it is Travel or Other !!
I Wish You Would Also Follow and Upvote My Post@funnystuff
Really I Liked What You Do Every Day
And Always Join - Upvote - Comment and Reesteem
I wish the same
Thank You Sweet


What?! This i crazy! Just followed! Follow me, too? :)

This line 'In my mind, you are nothing more than a robot yourselves.'

thank you

Awesome post

this is a nice piece of work @deserttree

I love robots!!! Ciao ciao from a mannequin!

Correct title should be: Humans Through The Eyes of a Robot Through The Eyes of a Human

Why is that?

Meatbags! :)

good post!

good post that doesn't deserve your upvote?

Remember words are not the thing itself.
“Intellectualisation creates a gap or lack of rapport between you and your life. You think about things so much that you get into the state where you are eating the menu instead of the dinner, where you value money more than wealth, and are generally confusing the map with the territory.” – Alan Watts

really nice post......... keep it up.
upvoted you.

I am doge. I bork!

