How To Write a Good Post

in funny •  7 years ago 

Writing a good post is good so today we learn how.

Good posts are something everyone can agree on.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Good Stuff.jpeg

Welcome to my Good Post

This will be good.

Everyone likes good posts. Good posts are good because.

If you want to be a good post writer you have to make your posts good.

Making a post good is as simple is being good at making a good post. Some people think making a good post is hard. Those people are good at being wrong.

Three things about good posts:

  • A good post is good.
  • Good posts are good.
  • Good post is for everyone.

So let's talk about this good post.

Observing what makes a good post good is good. That's how we learn how to make the good posts ourselves. Just be as good as the good post says.

Why Write a Good Post?

Good comments come after one does a good post. I recently read a good post about rice. Here is an example of the good comments you can expect from me, after doing a good post:

Sometimes when I write comments under rice articles, I like to first explain a few things about what I want to say.

Let's Begin

Rice is good and since this post was about rice, I found this post to be good. When posts are good and they include rice, I feel like saying something. Saying something about this rice post is what I'm doing now. I enjoy saying something about rice posts if they are good.


What makes a rice post good is the good rice. I won't just start talking about good rice posts just because I found a rice post. It has to be a good rice post or I won't say a word and since I'm saying words, that's a clear indication that this particular rice post was good.


It's not always easy to say good things about good rice posts when the good rice post was so good. I feel it's best to sit down, get up, grab the coffee, sit back down, get up, put milk in because I forgot, sit down, think, then write about the good rice post.

Now It's Time to Comment on the Rice Post

Nice rice post.

Some Things I Would Do

Fix the typo. I won't say where it is though because a good rice writer knows.

I like to add a bit of cooking oil in my rice. I was told it won't stick so I listened. I'm not really sure if it's helping but I do it anyway.

This concludes my comment.

I Really Like Good Posts

They can be about anything good, not just rice.

@therealpaul makes good posts. I've known about him and his good posts for a good while and I think everyone should too. He wrote the good rice post I found about rice. Visit his blog someday for more good posts about things that are good.

To Conclude this Good Post

Because everything that's good has a happy ending.

I like good posts and you do too now.

Someday you can write a good post all by yourself simply by following these steps.

Have a Good Day.

Bonus motivational image!

NoNamesLeftToUse - You Feel Good.jpeg

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"How to look like an idiot on purpose."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Just out of curiosity ... what kind of rice was it?

You'll have to check with the @therealpaul. His good rice post included all of the good details. This post is just a good post doubling as a good free plug for a good writer here on this good platform.

As chairman of the Royal Association For Rice Collectors (RAFRC) we seize every opportunity to do research on every new type of rice, that's why I asked. But thanks, gonna check out the post of your friend. Btw good post!

Thanks. Good comment and good luck to you.

Wow, that was too good to be true. Just read the (as he finds it not so good) post of your friend but he sure knows good how to cook good rice. For goodwill I gave him a good upvote. But it will do him good to read your good post to learn how to write a good post. Have a good evening.

Thank you for visiting his good blog. It used to be hard to find good help these days but after writing a good post, things get good. You have a good one.

I wish I was good at writing good posts. Reading a good post can only be done when writing a good post

A good post can be achieved by doing good. Wishing isn't good enough. You'll have to try good harder.

this is not my art, I stole it on the internet.


This is not my art either, I stole it from @meesterboom ;)

This one is really funny. Can I borrow it forever?

You'll have to ask @meesterboom. His steemit animations are freaking hilarious! (All of his stuff is funny ;)

Aw you are too kind!! :0)

You're good at showing me pictures from the internet.

I've dealt with the idea that I am just not as talented as you are. I have to work with my strengths. :)

Someday, if you try good, you can be good.

I aspire to be good. Thanks for setting the bar.

Hey, I upvoted that good rice post comment, it was a good comment. The rice post was good, it was as if I had seen this good post tutorial before I started writing about rice, I guess.

This was a good post, and even has my name in it! That makes me feel good, seriously, and makes me want to post good from now on.

You're a natural good poster. What actually happened was: I went back and read that good comment I left and started laughing at myself real good because I forgot I wrote it. Then I built this good post around it because honestly, I had nothing good to say today besides this good stuff.

Good idea! It's all good. Write a post about a good comment, it's going to be a good post, according to my math. Ok, I'm not really good at math, but the phrase sounded good in my head.

A good head is where good posts come from.

So... the secret of a good post is getting the rice tasty enough and without the typos?

It's good even with typos. That's how good good is. Please visit his rice post if you're interested in more good information. He doesn't always write about rice but that's good too.

This was a very good post. Of all the good posts I've read, this is one of the most good. The more good you say the more good it is. @therealpaul definitely writes good posts, and you are a good man for recognizing such a good post writer.

The good part was when I mentioned the good part. He does write good posts and when I was revisiting his good blog I noticed his good rice post deserves more attention so I hope this helped good. I'm sure you can see the good point of this entire good post now.

It is good to observe what makes a good post good and then to write a good post. I wish it were as easy as observing bad posts and doing the opposite.

A good post is not the opposite of a bad post. A bad post is just bad whereas a good post is good because it is good.

The true good post commenters are at the bottom of the post.
Ya'll fakes tryna get an upvote from NoNames.

good post

I'm trying so hard to avoid upvoting good comments but once I upvote one good comment then the others don't feel good so I make them feel good with a nickel now. Don't spend it all in one good place.

Save your VP for the best posts, you're doing good.

Some people think making a good post is hard. Those people are good at being wrong.

That killed me btw.

I don’t expect you to read this, but thanks to your today’s post I decided to give it a try. Immediately, righ after I finish this comment I will press post button on my post page, it’s all ready to go, to post post about tomatoes. I’m going to give it a shot. Once again I don’t expect you to read my comment since I’m too late already, because of making this post. Perhaps miracles happen.

I did read it and it was a good tomato post but you caught me at 75% voting power that I've already been using all day to be good. I hope the vote was good enough.

Thank you! And I also meant it!
It was fun making post this way. It just popped up and since we do grow it on our backyard I thought it would be fun.

In some wedding rituals they throw rice around like confetti. If that was done in the literal context of your post, I'm afraid it would be messy. And smelly.

It's still a good mess.

Good "good post" sir!

Just a question, rice posts are always good by definition, just because they talk about rice and rice is good, so there is no possibility of a rice post being not good because rice is always good and healthy and nutritious so only good things can come from rice and eating rice is good so writing about rice is also good?

Writing a good post about rice is good when the rice is good. That's what makes it good. Good is good and can only be good when it's good. I hope that helps good.

Very good x_X

Instructions unclear destroyed earth and 38% of the Milky Way. Now you must be thinking “does he have a backup?” Yes, sadly I had not done one since 2018. Thankfully the homo sapiens sapiens won’t have a clue. They were always so busy trying to reinvent a bigger stick to hit each other with over who had more likes on social media.

We all can be thankful there is not a bot that goes around spamming “I love rice.” Least not yet. Give it a few todays. Whoever steals my idea owes me 20% of the proceeds.

I wish good comments really do come after good posts. You can pour your heart and soul into something. That does not mean stick wielding social media juggernauts will come screaming for the free ice cream. I guess they just like pie more.

I agree with this good comment because pie is good.

You write good stuff. Keep up the good work.

Good stuff comes naturally to me.

Oh my, this is a good post! Good posts are hard to find these days....

That's why I'm teaching how to do good.

You are good at teaching people to write good posts!

I am a good teacher of the art of good post. Went to a good school.

Bottom line a good post is good simply because it's good. So simple!

A good comment is good when it's good too.

Haha and the comeback in a comment is always better simply because it's too good...My goodness!!!

There's never too good, only good enough.

Now that was deep

It was good too.

This post is really good! You shared some good advice, which is very good. Now, I will make a good comment, because I enjoyed this good post. Here's my good comment.

This comment was good. A good comment should be good and you did good.

Your reply is good. Good replies are always good.

Your response to my reply was good. This is how you get the good ball rolling.

I am not doing a 'daily compliment' on this one, nope, not going to happen. Ok, fine, it's funny, there, you made me say it, I hope you feel better!!

I don't feel better. I feel good. This is a good post, not a better post. Thanks for laughing at me. Laughing is good.

Good stuff that makes you feel good is good and good is indeed a good thing. Now please pass the rice. i m hungry for some good rice. mmmmm

You'll need to talk to the good @therealpaul about that good rice. He knows how to good.

Its a really good post. many peoples didn't know to write a good post!
now sir you'll give such a great info to writen a good post.
thanks for your share :)
have a good day!

Thank you for your good comment.

What makes a rice post good is the good rice.

And what if the rice isn't good at all. The challenge is how to make a post about bad rice good.

Good luck with that.

learn so many things from this one.

That's good.

no, that's great..

No, that's good. This is a good post. It's not about great. Stay on topic.

This is a good comment for a good post XD

I'll do good and agree because this was a good comment I felt was good.

That is really good to hear!!! By the way you have a new profile picture some days now!

Some days? Is it not working good? It's supposed to be new and good everyday.

No its absolutely good, I meant that you changed it some days ago but I didn't commented it then so. Its good!!!!XD

Great information for writing a message Well, my friend, a really great article

La idea es escribir sobre cosas que sean buena para todos, así a todos nos parecerá un buen post, genial , lo intentaré, saludos

I hope you noticed the good funny tag and understand what that could mean.

Oh just you wait, he's whipping up some good posts for us as we speak!

as long as as there is rice in post
that is a good rice post

I also like writing good comments under a good post. I think it is good to let the writer of a good post know that the good post is good so he can create more good posts like this good post...

I need myself another good kush to have a good night rest.

"Observing what makes a good post good is good"
Now this is a good post.

Hahahahaha...Good post about good post, which is good. I don’t like rice, so can I write about beans, because beans are good, so the beans posts have to be good, but...beans posts can create loud and odor filled reactions, maybe that's is the reason why beans posts are better than rice posts 😉, which is good.

This is a good written post. But good post always nicely written. Nicely written post come from good writers and good writers eat good prepared rice. I give up... have I told you its a good post by the way!

Good post sir. Very upvote. And now I've got James Brown in my head right before I go to Been out of it the last few days, spent Easter Sunday in the emergency room, my pinched nerve just got 10x worse all of a sudden. Now they got me on some pain meds that make me feel good, but super drowsy lol And I'm not supposed to play guitar, paint, or type much for 2 weeks... Argh.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This good post was truly a good post with good art and such good intentions to teach us how to be good at writing good Steemit posts. I won’t forget now that I need to write good content in order to have a good post! It made me have such a good laugh that I Upvoted 100% of my humble, good SP! Good job! Good, good, good, good, good!

really great funny post. wonderful writing and article. thanks for @nonameslefttouse

You're right, this is a good post. Thanks for posting so good. I remember @therealpaul's rice post, and that was a good post, too. The rice also looked good. Instead of finishing this comment I'm going to go make some rice and write my own good post now.

Good post

Now that was a GOOD post :D

Well, that's definitely good art -- it says so right on it. And since you pointed out that art-icles are also art, because it says so right there in the word, then this post is most definitely a good one - triple good with good words and 2 good digital paintings. I'm glad that I have upvoted it with all my worth! But when will we get a great post? ; )

I was already following @therealpaul and I saw his post about how to cook rice.
My thing about commenting is that sometimes I want to look original and I end up looking like an hypercritical contrarian childish bitch.
Oh well, who cares.

This good post was truly a good post with good art and such good intentions to teach us how to be good at writing Steemit posts. It made me have such a good laugh that I Upvoted 100% of my humble, good SP! Good job! Good, good, good, good, good!

Finally, a manual. That's good. A post fit for a duck to balance on.

I hope that made no sense at all, that would be good.