This Article is Meaningful

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Meaningful." Does that mean: Full of Mean?

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself doesn't know what that means.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Mean.jpeg

Have you ever been sitting around having a beer with someone you don't really know from work when suddenly you realize the entire day has lost all meaning?

I have.

"But what's that supposed to mean?"

Allow me to explain.

Meany years ago, I knew a mean.

He was a kind mean. A gentlemean.

His name was Meanchester. Meanchester from Meanitoba, Canada.

He was almost a meanager once.

Meanchester didn't always have it so good though.

Everyone starts at the bottom of the Meandarin Orange Meanufacturing Plant. Even Meanfred, the owner's son.

Just getting your foot in the door takes a lot of meanliness.

After reading the meanuals and completing the meandatory Mind Meanipulation and Meaneuverability Tests, both Meanchester and the owner's son, Meanfred, were ready to climb the meandarin orange trees to shake branches at the same time.

That excited Meanchester.

Meanchester, Meanfred, and another mean, were all in direct competition for the next job with more benefits and higher pay.

When the third mean fell from the tree on his first day, it was down to two.

Meanfred was promoted to Guy Who Wraps the Oranges in Green Paper long before anyone else.

That infuriated Meanchester.

That's actually what caused Meanchester's first meanic episode. Not much changed for meany years after that.

Meany More Years Pass

Meanfred finally died!

Meanfred's death meant a vacant position in upper meanagement.

That excited Meanchester.

It was finally his big chance.

There were to be no meanhunts for Meanchester was next in line for the position. All he had to do was read the meanagerial meanuscripts.

There was one problem though.

Those meanuscripts were in the owner's meansion.

The owner was still grieving the loss of his only son, Meanfred. Meanchester knew the only way to get those meanagerial meanuscripts would be to sneak in the back door sometime during the middle of the night.

That worried Meanchester.

There was no time to be sitting around meanifesting bad vibrations though.

Meanchester first had a nap, then went to get a meanicure.

Meanchester wanted to practice looking the part before the big day. Then, it was time.

Meanchester Got to the Back Door.

He rang the doorbell out of habit.

The plan was ruined.

Now everyone was awake. The dog's were barking. Meanchester thought he was screwed.

The owner came barreling down the main meansion stairwell screaming about, what kind of meaniac rings a doorbell at this hour!

When the owner opened the door, Meanchester just stood there and stayed quiet while the owner also stood there, acting suspicious, saying nothing.

A few seconds later, a scantily clad Ameanda made an appearance and said, "Who's at the door, my sweet little meango?"

That infuriated Meanchester.

Ameanda was Meanchester's wife. She said she was going to her mother's place for the weekend.

Meanchester screamed, "I thought I was your sweet little meango!" He then proceeded to meanhandle the owner and finally finished the job with a meanhole cover.

That excited Meanchester.

Of course he made sure to retrieve the precious meanagerial meanuscripts after checking out a few of the meantelpieces. There was a carving of a meanatee and it really impressed Meanchester so he made sure to take that home as well. Meanchester learned from the Meanfred incident that it's always best to make these situations look like a robbery, just in case.

Ameanda's meaniacal hollering was setting off car alarms so Meanchester threw her down the meanhole and got the hell out of there.

Meanchester didn't even get three miles down the road before he ran into some car trouble.

It was the exhaust meanifold again. Two more miles down the road with a car that then sounded like a monster truck was enough to get pulled over by the Meanitoba highway patrol.

The police found the cocaine, then the blood, then the meanatee. Every mean, womean and child in town knew that meanatee belonged to the owner.

That was nearly the end of Meanchester.

People say Meanchester liked to keep to himself in prison. Spent most of his days working on his meanifesto and learning how to play the meandolin.

There was a short scuffle one day while the prisoners were out spreading meanure to help fertilize the new owner Ameanda's meandarin orange orchard.

Meanchester got shanked.

That was the official end of Meanchester.
Though some refuse to let it rest.

Rumor has it, Ameanda was behind the whole thing.

She knew Meanchester would be at the meansion that night. She even knew she'd get thrown down the meanhole so she made sure to put a few old couch cushions down there ahead of time.

Some say she provided the murder weapon that finally put Meanchester in the ground.

Meany think it's her who should be in prison.

That's meanslaughter, at least.

I shall now introduce you to Meanchester.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Meanchester.jpeg

I hope that was meaningful enough for you.

Have a nice day!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I have no idea why I did that."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Woh woh what kind of meanchester steals a meanatee carving!

Giant sea cow hugs for everyone!

I'm still looking at the artwork trying find all the things that make it up. You have outdone yourself on that one today! Really love the nose part.

There's a cat in the hat. He's green. All we get is the back of his head and tail, but there's something strange on the back of his head which is actually the front of the hat.

Plus more.

Reading this made my life feel so much more maningful. Thank you.

Meanchester appears to have birds in his eyes, kangaroos in his ears, some kind of rodent in his hat, and a sorcerer in the middle of his face. I assume those are all accidents.

Uh... yes. Those kangaroos, birds, the rodent and the weird guy with angel wings were all "accidents." I'm sure it's just your eyes playing tricks on you. If you look closer, you'll see another figure standing on top of what you called a sorcerer. That was an accident too. Maybe you didn't notice the "accidental" cat either. It's green. You can accidentally see the back of his head and the tail. I think he accidentally got inside Meanchester's head.

Meany things to see there.

Oh the humeanity!!! To end with a shanking is the most ignoble way for any gentlemean!

It takes a lot of meanpower to be able to hold back the tears, mean.

Thats very meaningful.. . Wait, maningful. oh darn it!!

I have giggled over every single replacement with "mean."

Yes. This whole thing was beyond ridiculous. I really don't know what to say. I think my fingers were sending the commeands to brain this time instead of the other way around.

Quite the meaningful story if you know what I mean. No hidden meanings but meantrigue and mystricmean for meanies like me. I mean I thought... have a meaningful day would be your close. enjoyed it though had lots of meaning.

Every time the dude said, "Man," it sounded like, mean. More like "meayan," but that doesn't work well in writing, at all. I don't know. I just started typing after naming that art, Meanchester. All that stuff above is just random whatever stuff. Just having fun I guess.

Very strange and interesting story.

I think the moral is that you either have to be very mean or don't be very mean. One of those two things. Or both.

Meanchester definitely looks like he was a mean guy.

And you know what they say......... the mean guy always finishes last.

Meany mean suffer the same fate as Meanchester. Be careful out there.

Is Meanchester a goblin or a guy in a goblins head?? :))

There's a cat for a hat. You can see the back of his head and the tail. He's somehow stuck inside Meanchester. There's a mean with angel wings standing on Meanchesters nose. There's more to see as well.

I think Ameanda killed Meanfred as well. Poor mean Meanchester, he just wanted to get a better job. The art once again is amazing. Would she take care of all your followers as well? Will I be only one remaining? Is it mean from me to compete? Will I get promoted then?

So meany questions. So meany more mysteries.

There's some old mythology in there, the guy who had little white birds peck his kidneys for eternity, and maybe he was some kind of kangaroo whisperer too, can't remember. Of course I saw the firefaced guy before I even noticed Meanchester there getting mythologized by the birds.

Much of what we see in that image is only there because I had a basic idea of what I wanted, applied colors, notice things starting to look like something else(simple pareidolia effect again, the mind plays tricks), so I'd bring them out. My subconscious made that one, for the most part. This happens in much of my artwork. That's why it's so hard to explain why things are the way they are.

I have a mean headache after reading that. Time for an herbal remedy- if ya know what I mean lol It's 4:50 but I'm dyslexic so, good enough

Yeah. I don't think this mess is compatible with dyslexia or even google translate for that matter. I'm sure I blew up a few robots as well.

4:50 with dyslexia is a lot like 4:20 lol

7:07 is the time the clock laughs out loud.

Birds are swimming in his eyes! Are they prisoners? Lemur! You thought you were safe Chris Rock! Meanchester's dead and they're all free!

I don't know! It just kinda happened!

Rotfl. Quite a meaningful mean's story. I guess Meanchester was quite the meaniac.

Yeah mean. He certainly was a meaniac but it's worth mentioning how he was an avid outdoorsmean as well. Quite the fishermean. A humeanitarian too.


I was thinking you had a problem spelling 'man' at first... And then... "Oh! Oh! I see what he's trying to do." Lol

I'm surprised I even got to the end. Mean, this was challenging.

the article is indeed meaningful

Indeed it was. Jam-packed with meaning.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The story is quite interesting, but I am confused with the way you spell "Man" as "Mean" . Is it that The writer deed that on purpose, for it to go along with the article? Anyway I believe that some times it is not necessary to do that . Well I carefully read the post and I appreciate the lesson that was express in the story About Meanchester . Thanks for such a thoughtful article.

This would have been a story about Manchester if I had left the words alone, but the character I created in the image you see there is named Meanchester. The whole thing was meant to be ridiculous, so I'm okay with how it turned out. Thanks for reading!

antes de entrar creí que no era de importancia pero enserio si que fue impactante muy bueno, saludos :D

Gracias. Me alegra que hayas disfrutado esto.

Para eso estamos amigo :D

It nice to meanT you Meanchester :d

I wonder how you meanaged to come up with this idea?

It started it out by listening to someones thick accent, mean.

And you made a funny story out of it? That's so man.

I managed to cope to place a meaning on each occurrence of "man" that you replaced with "mean". What you just did is a literary technique known as PUN. You are really a punster!

Best wishes!!!

Maybe I'm the Punisher?

Haha. Punisher? Punster sounds more sexy lol

That's pretty good meaningful story of Meanchester's.
Probably I worried about Meanchester.

Its really meaningful to me
The meanstory is touching too

Voting and following, if u know wot I mean. x

Manchester is a picture where some animals are in the picture, a very beautiful art. Telling something from the Meanchester picture.

good work

i read your post.
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