This is a Certified Non-Shit Post

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself is bored as fuck.

Everyone else does normal things.

NoNamesLeftToUse - How Did I Get In To This Mess.jpeg
How Did I Get In To This Mess


Everyone else goes out and gets drunk. I sit at home and do fuck all but play around on my damn computer.

Look at that fancy image up there!

I made that!

Isn't that exciting!

"Not really..."

Wow, all at once like a choir singing hate. Thanks!

So anyway, much like a few other images I've produced, what happened was:

  • I put some colors in.
  • I took some colors out.
  • I put some colors in.
  • And then I move them all about.
  • I do the hokey pokey and I turn myself around.
  • That's what it's all about.

Something like that, anyway.

Well, shit.

Sorry about the headline. I guess I fucked that up too.

I think I'll leave now. Just know, the art took awhile to produce. It's not just one of those fancy push button filter thingamajigs you all have on your phones. I made that by hand, from scratch, because I have no life, and I like to share my "talents" here because my "real" friends think it's a stupid waste of time.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"This post was certified non-shit."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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You should stay in and get drunk and do shit on your computer!

That last time I shit on my computer, those people at the repair shop kicked me out and called the police.

I can understand that, fling it in front of them must have been a shock

Nah, I was smearing it all over the Windows and asking, "What kind of hard drive is this?"

Whoah, get me in on this "certified non-shit" posting.

Well, this was the first certified non-shit post I ever did. I suppose I invented it today, but haven't put much thought into what a certified non-shit post truly is. I guess a certified non-shit post must include your own work of art or edited artsy photo, some words that don't really matter... and yeah, throw caution to the wind and just hope for the best.

You should start a tag...


This one is, I think, my favourite one of these so far. Not of all your work, just these; the ones with all the pointy bits and four-way symmetry... kind of like looking into a kaleidoscope. Kaleidoforms? You've made a few like it but this is my favourite.

I really like the "electric" feel that the blue bits have; like they're alive. It feels like you're doing something a bit more different than usual with this-- kind of like the one I said reminded me of stained glass a while ago.

Very pretty.

I use more layers in these, then merge them together and add more layers. A slow and repetitive process, but might be the difference. A lot of my other work is one or two layers and I paint it like a physical picture. When I first started sharing stuff here, I wanted to be accepted by the physical art community, so I'd paint digitally, but like them. Using so many layers and the mirror tool like this is leaning much closer to the digital art world.

I'm glad you like it.

I thought we WERE your real friends...

I call that trick:

The Eyebrow Raiser

Did it work?!?!

I think this one's really cool.

I do too. I'm really happy with how it turned out. When I look at it, my eyes play tricks on me. The center jumps out but at the same time, it's falling down.

Normality is overrated! Friday nights are for doing whatever you want. Actually, every night is for doing whatever tf you want. I stopped drinking alcohol, so don't listen to me!

All I do is whatever the hell I want, and that turns out to be not very much some days... LOL! I don't drink either. That's not entirely true but for the most part, it is. Drunk people tend to annoy me these days. I am looking forward to a cold beer on hot a day though. Hell, I might even spend an entire afternoon alone, catching a beer buzz, just because.

How Did I Get In To This Mess is full of details and contrasts!
This is a non-shit post, but a very arty post.
30 Artists Proving That GIFs Are The Next Great Art Form

The certified non-shit post must include original, awesome art. This is what I invented today, I guess.

Well, at least you were more productive than me!

I can't seem to stop working. I should probably take a day off soon though. I've been working steady since my short break of about three days. I don't even know how I'm alive right now.

Better to wonder why you are alive, than not be alive to wonder. (Wow, make a meme out of that!)

That was a pretty deadly line. I think a meme would ruin it though, unless it was one of those fashionable upperclass memes with a cool picture and nice font.

That's exactly the kind of meme I was thinking of. So fashionable, so hip. They aren't even a meme really. An inspiration. There's got to be a specific word that's perfect for that kind of meme. But I'm not inspired enough by them to think of one. ; )

A steemit article that pays is better than a hangover that doesn't!
I recently downloaded Remothered: The Tormented Fathers, seeing how great the Steam ratings were, so I'll start playing that soon.
You been playing any games lately?

I haven't been playing games at all. Not since I started blogging again. Always busy doing this, and life.

One game I really like though is Kerbal Space Program. It's about the nerdiest fucking game in the world but I love it. If I had time to immerse myself in something, it would probably be that.

Oh yeah, the rocket launching game. I saw its gameplay videos, they were pretty complex with all those complicated jargons!
But it does seem lots of fun. Pretty sure Elon tests his rockets in that before the actual lift-off. lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That is being an artist for yah:). That is a rather cool image I like.

Strange thing is, I still woke up with a headache today. Art hangover?

Wow, you did have a bad day... It happens, man.

The image looks like a colorful fish from the depths. Except that fish from the depths aren't colorful. But it's still nice! 😊

The fish that swim deep within my mind are quite colorful. I dunno. That sounded like the right thing to say when it was still in my mind. have friends BESIDES us? I feel deeply hurt right now. Hold on, there's something in my eye...

I really love this piece. The way you do the lighting especially. All around great piece.

Oh no! You got my art in your eye!
Thank you for the compliments.

Ha ha. Yeah. That's it. Let me get a tissue here and wipe it out. There, that's much better. Sniff.

It looks like something is exploding from the centre. Symmetry is perfect.

The symmetry is only like that because of the mirror tool. It's like using four virtual paint brushes at the same time. Making the entire piece look good using that tool is still a challenge.

"hokey pokey"


That made me giggle :)))

And brought back...way back memories...

I bet most don't know the "hokey pokey".

Awesome artwork and comedy everytime @nonameslefttouse



is right.

I think a lot of people know the hokey pokey. If I'm wrong about that, oh well! This wouldn't be the first time I made an ass out of myself here and it won't be the last!

Thanks for looking, laughing and just showing up too. I appreciate all of it.

That fancy image is definitely non-shit.

That is factual and I can tell because of your name.

Indeed a very beautiful piece of art. Imagine that in stained glass or tile. But really. Did you need to do the hokey pokey? Did you put your left foot in too? Did you put your head and butt in? Oh my! That's what it's all about. Thanks Bro.

I don't know why I did that. If you can think of a better way to describe how digital art is produced, I'm all ears! LOL

Your hokey pokey isn't that bad, I think it's pretty good...
I like the art, is ' how did I get into this mess' the name?
The names are always unique lol

Yes, I always put the names directly under the art and on a tilt like this.

I get to have fun with words in the names as well. It's not 'into', it's in to. For some reason that made more sense to me.

I love the names.
They always crack me up.

I did those drawings back in kindergarden xD Well, they were sort of similar, i used paint on one side of a paper and then i folded the paper so the paint went to the other side as well... the end result was actually pretty similar to that drawing...

I get to use my trusty mirror tool. I split it in four, then when I'm painting and pulling colors around it's up to me to make all four portions look interesting as one image. I add and merge layers plus go in certain directions in all the right places to give it that depth; done deal. I made this one look like two different bugs or something, I dunno. I like it.

2 bugs? i can see 4 bugs... your drawings are like The Rorscach test, those tests that psychiatrist use with black ink on cards and ask the patient what they see in the cards...

Good work bud! I'm home working on art on a Friday night too, Long live the midnight toker :)

I made a post based on tips I got from enjoying your blog, I hope you enjoy it :)


I liked the post. It reminded me of me. Unfortunately, I can't vote for the damn thing for free. That's not your style! You can pay me though!
Ha! You probably want to punch me right now...

No worries bononames, I appreciate the almost daily coffees you pass my way! I know paying for votes is part of the shit show, I've avoided it on all platforms till I bid on my first bot here on Steemit. Ironic, but true.

I use the bots trying to get back a ROI and hopefully get a better return than SBD straight to SP. Getting extra followers is an extra, but the loyal support is the most valuable. That's coming slowly but surely.

I appreciate your feedback, and maybe I should just cut out the bots entirely.

You got my mind battling itself right now names :D

We were all like buskers before these bots came along. Art used to be the top tag and everyone enjoyed a level playing field. Now you guys buy votes, barely make any money, and bump people like myself and the other artists down the list. It's nothing personal though. I still enjoy giving out a round of coffees daily. I'd do the same damn thing if I had shop downtown.

I feel you bro, I've been working at it for 12 years, and I've averaged way under minimum wage in that time. I haven't invested any moolah into this platform, and earned some $350 of which I cashed out zero. I worked with utopic rules for myself for very long, it left my financially broke most of the way, the last few years I've been experimenting with ways of creating revenue, some big fails and starting from "scratch" again. I'm just trying to get a some value for my art man. Being broke ain't no joke...

Well I hit up your fresh post with a 30% vote. I vote a lot. Too much actually. Trying to spread it around. I still insist the one of the best ways to make money here is to take what you can get, power it up, and hold. I know not many people have the patience I have though. I made a four year plan and I'm sticking to it. What ever happens, happens.

Thanks a lot, I appreciate the plentiful support you give the platform and me. What will be shall be indeed... 🙏🏽

I'm sorry it can't be more. I miss being able to drop $10 on posts. I also miss that other 100k I had... LOL

Me encanto la imagen, puede notarse los detalles grandiosos, Jajja muy gracioso el post :D

Sí, pasé un poco más de tiempo aquí, así que no parece barato. Estos no toman mucho tiempo en comparación con otros, pero aún así es un proceso lento y repetitivo.

De verdad me gusto mucho, es una de las mejores que he visto :D

This mess that you made is exciting. It's actually a masterpiece. I bet it took you more time to create this than the usual. Keep up the good work you call non shit post. Lol

This style doesn't take long compared to some of the other ones I do, but it's still a slow and repetitive process. There's a lot of randomness at the start but if I rush, they don't come out looking good.

Very nice art as always. As a matter of fact “How Did I Get In To This Mess” is not messy at all.
BTW: Nice step by step description.
It’s nice to hear you have a great support of your friends when it comes to sharing your

Oh, I know it's not messy. I'm just messing around. To be honest, my friends don't think that... because I don't have any!
Buh dun tss!

lol, that’s funny. I missed your funny ways for whole day today.

Hahaha, its midnight here so i take it as midnight dose. Funny

Guess what I'll probably be doing at midnight...

The same damn thing!


Hahahaha. I will be here to read it

Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!

Thank you!

Well! Well! Well!

Thank god that, your friend think, it's a stupid waste of time:) lol:)

keep posting this type of Certified Non-Shit Post:)

You rock man

very funny post. this art is very deep.

It looks strange and beautiful,bro..not a waste of time for me..

Right on, right on!

Really amazing art but you said it is easy.

Easy for me! LOL

One thing in you i love the most is; you are very straight forward and do not exaggerate the things rather utter straight a way as they are :P :D
You have just nailed everything here :D :D

I put some colors in.
I took some colors out.
I put some colors in.
And then I move them all about.
I do the hokey pokey and I turn myself around.
That's what it's all about.

No it was not a shit post, atleast for me ;)

LOL, nice nursery rhyme to go with the trippy stuff :D

I love it! It's probably my favourite so far. It's like a big giant alien insect (definitely because it has 6 legs) in the middle but a pretty one with green antennae. Spring must be coming because your colours are becoming happier.

i fell like i just re-visit the last episode of the last season of the last air-bender when ang got into super avatar state and the colors are all spinning all around..... bedazzling!

Your "real friends" don't make art.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice Post, I am also new to Steemit and want to connect with new like-minded people. I have started a campaign so we both can get more followers.

Follow/Follow campaign is a fun way to gain more followers on Steemit. This is a cool idea to get more followers - comment on the post ( and I will follow you on Steemit if you follow me.

You're just spamming me.



Why must you do this to me!

haha, bet you freaked that noob out

I could have been a total dick and knocked their reputation down to 16 to freak them out a little more... The way I've feeling these days, these people are fucking lucky.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you would have been doing them a big favor if you did, the faster they learn, the less time they waste...... and you know we only have so many hours to live on this blue planet, personally i only flag the worthy ones