He Could Use a 1-Up

in funny •  7 years ago 

Trying to break blocks in Mario when you haven't got the mushroom power up

gif from giphy

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That's why Mario used his head instead of an axe or a hammer :D


yeah this is why i don't ever volunteer for shit

his power mushroom has been destroyed - zero life

Hate to be that guy, but Mario did use a hammer in several games, including Donkey Kong and Mario & Luigi: Superstar SagaOfficial Nintendo Fanboy

Lol that dude needs more than a powerup, he needs a lesson for someone who eats bricks for breakfast.


this is what she does when you tell her to do the dishes

Touché haha

yeah this one has no smashing titties so she has to use her head.....i think i like this one better

I wouldn't want this chick to give me head ..

Lol not if you want your wookie

Lol, if can not break the brick yourself, help will come, ha ha ha :D

haha i like how there's 3 other guys on the team doing jack shit but sharing the glory

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, unless it makes you completely brain dead, like this guy

haha it's definitely one of the stranger and funnier gifs i've found
probably why women live longer

Sounds like a sound theory !

Lol definately taking stupid to a whole new level

Haha yea, If you want to become the best at something, don't choose crushing bricks with your head

Mario's on the magic mushrooms these days!

haha toad's head reminds me of guys with angry girlfriends

This would have been frightening to see as a child haha

Yeah even i can see how addictive this game is that....

A drunk grown ass-man will dress up as mario, squeeze out of a tube, dodge a cardbox box and kick a mushroom before vomiting into another tube, real classy!

Well, when you eat that many mushrooms it can make you throw up.

lol yeah i eat mushrooms but they are fully cooked and they're just normal no magic :P

Now i understand why women are biologically boobslogically stronger than men..

The metal woman, super funny ^_^ :D

She is stronger thanwonder woman

not sure how this is related to musroom powerup, but hell those bricks are totally decimated like arse on curry wednesday

Here come the Boob Boom

yeah...imagine motor-boating that!

You will sound like a steamboat

Its really funny giphy-downsized.gif...

Hi @traf,

It seems you got a $150.3751 upvote from @trafalgar at the last minute before the payout. (51.72h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

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OMG! his head
Too much pain !

Should feel relax now..

hahahaha headman :p


I'm a strong ass girl lolllll :)

Don't give up Mario, You have 3 more life LOL

giphy-downsized (1).gif

No you don't. You just used your last one!

You are right but sometimes he need only encouragement LOL

It's really funny story....good!!

what the fuck..

Thats no funny.

Kiss my ass AEAA16C1-1652-4986-A59D-819BEA4C7A41.gif

kiss my ass you spammer

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

mmm....actually if the butts was a bigger and sexier and you said something in the tunes of shitting bricks, i would be upvoting

If you upvoted me we could do something.

if you did something funny maybe someone might upvote you

Smart boy

not a boy silly ;)

Hahaha... it is very funny gif... thank yoy for sharing this videos.

Lol that moment when you wanted to place bet on real madrid but you placed it on Psg instead and later on you heard REAl madrid won @traf

Haha mushroom power up..

I guess that block wasn't pre cracked for him lol, maybe he should try the block-chain it wouldn't hurt as much lmfao.

wow that.s really i like your post amazing funny.DQmavEYxhkcSJ1NZknoGKdQtmihXwBj15iufN3cH4aW3Fhm.gif

hey killerpotato is back with an original - good try

you should practice by submitting an original funny post to #comedyopenmic lots of Steem, SBD, and upvotes to be won.

FYI I upvote all valid entries that i check out

This Guy

come @nicolerose give a punchline or at least put in a link and I'll throw you an upvote

Yeah, nice gif accuracy, just not using head to make a joke too.

i see you sexymatty ;)

The proverbial Karma is a bitch with this one. These two boys definitely did not have the mushroom power up

That's the situation for me. It doesn't matter whether I got mushroom or not. I won't do anything.

Then you must use the hacks in mario to have always mushroom power...

After witnessing this nightmare you can also console yourself in the fact that sex from then on will be like...........




lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Lolzzz. Funny one, guess the dude is really fraustrated. Trynna imagine what is going tru. Tanks @traf for sharing

wow wandearful funny post.