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It's safe to say, that you can place a 0 behind that 1.

ya and we're not talking in binary

Did I tell you about the size of "One Drink or one shot (locally we call it as one shot)"? lol :D


and that was bourbon, not beer

Your state does not indicate that you drank just one...

ya he's the same color as that shirt

Haha lmao, everyone knows just one drink wont cut it


i'll pass out before my wife looks half decent

Haha lmao, you must not be able to handle your liquor then :)

of course you are

what our wedding officiate said after we uttered our vows

Haha good reply.

LoL traf, i, for example, have long taught his girlfriend to one drink, with two or more, her mind flies to the other side :D

just took her a while to count that high in her head

Clearly meant one drink at a time.

When your friend says that he has only one drink, but he does not say much about his quantity

This is when I realized that there is only one drink tonight.

that is so cool, lol..

We've all heard that one, then he's the guy being carried out of the club.
