Keep It To Yourself

in funny •  7 years ago 

When you want to cheer your team on but you're sitting on the wrong side of the stadium with the opposing supporters

gif from giphy

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Be smart and stay calm! Otherwise, you might not get a chance to watch SMT launch lol :D


don't make this mistake if you're one of the bloods at a crips gang meeting

Don't make this mistake
If you're one of the bloods at
A crips gang meeting

                 - traf

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

yeah - destroy them from the inner circle :>

you're all about getting your circle destroyed aren't ya?

Haha but sitting in the wrong side of the stadium is the only good side to sit on, do it all the time at the footy :)


if i'm itching for a fight there's always the wife

Haha yeah that there is like the equivelant of having the boys with you XD

Don't worry. At least you're wife doesn't think you're secretly playing for the other team

it's extraordinary lengths but it's probably worth it to get rid of her

That unlike moment where you want to support your team but something tells you that if you do things do not end well... So you do as if you were the opposing team just to live one more day

Haha, that unsure support...

hahah that is an epic situation to be in lol

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