The 12 Stages Of Posting On Steemit - (Told In GIFs)

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

Whenever we sit down to write a story and don't really have anything planned, most Steemonians go through this process. Let me know in the comments if I'm right.


Stage 1: Thinking about what to post.

Stage 2: Thinking harder about a topic

Stage 3: Finally you have an idea

Stage 4: Writing the greatest post ever

Stage 5: Clicking "POST"

Stage 6: Seeing that first upvote

Stage 7: Realizing that was your automatic up-vote

Stage 8: Waiting for that first reply

Stage 9: Reading the first reply

Stage 10: Refreshing the screen to see if there are more votes and replies.

Stage 11: Watching your post go viral

Stage 12: Payout day

I hope you enjoyed the 12 Stages of Posting on Steemit. Any votes or resteems and I would really appreciate. 

*- All GIFs from

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I'm stuck at stage #10. It looks like this! :;)

I once did that to my beloved Powerbook G4.

hahahahaha, I can relate...

Well done !!



Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @walkingkeys! For more information, click here!

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  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 64 comments

gotta love them memes

If pictures are worth a thousand words, then these videos are worth a million words. I couldn't stop laughing. This definitely hits the right side of the brain like a punch in the gut!

Stage 10 for now, i didnt managed to get to stage 11 yet ):

hahaha, that and stage 9 is where I hover. I can't wait for 11! Thank you for taking the time to check out my work and to reply. I appreciate it.

That is how a loser (harsh word) manages a Steemit account.

A winner would have many blogs planned out well in advance. Winners plan and losers wing it.

I have many blogs planned out. None of which can be created at this point in time. My blog was not meant to be started before the website was created, but I felt like adding some content.

HAHAHA, just because people don't do things like you they are losers?

So you are telling me that the blog you posted about an Instagram photo took planning?

I appreciate your feedback, but I think Steemit can be a lot of things to a lot of people and majority are here to have some fun, learn some things and share what makes them happy. Let people be themselves without calling them losers. I'm just saying, there are better ways to get people to upvote you and to follow.

I only started posting on Steemit to test it out. I'm not a content creator.

And yes I realize I said I have blog posts planned and then said I am not a content creator. What I meant was I will not be the one creating the blog posts. Others will.

Well, a lot of people like to do their own. That doesn't make them losers.

"Not planning" is a losing quality. I believe in limiting losing qualities.

I understand that "loser" is a harsh word. It's only a word. You choose to give it meaning.

Doing is a winning quality. Planning can get in the way of doing. I know a lot of people that plan for success, but never get there because they didn't start doing. You are the one that told me that "loser" was a "harsh word" when you commented, so clearly you assigned meaning to it. I was following along. I get that the "loser" / "winner" thing is part of your branding, but when you are condescending, I don't see a winning strategy. When it comes to winning, I do a lot of it. Mainly because I learned from my losses. I know winning qualities and you may talk about them, but coming into a post that is tagged "funny" and calling people losers is not the way to win.
I hope that helps. I'm always here to help newbies.

It's not that I assign meaning to the word. It's that I'm aware of how words effect others and it's easy to hurt feelings.

Winning/losing is not apart of my branding. I'm simply creating posts now so that in the future no one will be able to tell me it was all luck, or any such excuse. Because I am aware of excuses too.

Planning out blog posts can be as simple as choosing a topic and as complex as creating the entire post off of Steemit before it is ready to be posted. Any level of planning is better than none. If you are stuck on thinking up a blog post idea, you shouldn't be focused on wanting to make a blog post. You should be focused on brainstorming a number of ideas.

I'm not directly calling anyone a loser. I was pointing out a losing quality.

Technically I am being a loser right this moment because I feel that this is time being wasted. Wasting time is a losing quality.


lol, I didn't have anything in mind when I started this blog post, but I planned to post a minimum of four a day. With this one post, I made more than any other post I've ever done on here. I'm not 100% sure your general rules apply to everyone. On a side note... lol... I don't get hurt feelings. But thanks for admitting you were intentionally trying to hurt someone's feelings. I didn't work. But I wish you best of luck. This isn't wasting time, you are going to get some SBD for these comments because of how much my "loser" post generated. hahaha.

And fyi the "perfect thumbnail size" blog post was for a friend. (since you brought up that post)

Hey, I'm glad you laughed. HAHAHA. Somebody that get's it. You picked up a new follower.

Very well said. :)



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hmmm...that's harsh. Just give others chance and time to discover their skills in writing. Not everyone is as talented as the others who are already successful here in Steemit. For as long as their happy sharing their interests and crafts, I don't think they deserve to be called losers.

I agree 100%.

Once again, never called anyone a loser.

nobody said you did. lol.

@heytl said "I don't think they deserve to be called losers"

he didn't say you called them a loser. In general. I thought you said you talked to me enough for a lifetime. Can't get enough? You should just become a follower.

You don't have to tell me what what said, I quoted what was said. He started off by saying "that was harsh" and ended saying "I don't think they deserve to be called losers"

I said "Once again, I didn't call anyone a loser"

With that said, it's a losing quality to become defensive when someone offers positive advice.

All I said was that it is good to plan out blog posts. It makes life easier on the blogger and you won't have to stress out trying to find the next topic to blog about.

I really hope that you are only messing with me..

You don't get it. You didn't offer positive advice. You came in and were rude and condescending. I think the self help books and videos you've been reading and watching have twisted your mind.

And I'm going to mute you now. I don't want to see you in my notifications anymore.

HAHAHA, you are the one that came into my post saying that most of the people on Steemit have a losing quality and that you want to take over Steemit. I just engaged with you and presented my point of view. Good luck to you because winners don't silence opposing points of view.

You've just summed up my day today. I'm at Stage 9. (P.S. I would like to help feed the homeless--but your link is not working). Can you link me, please?

Wow, thank you! I know how you feel. This is actually my first post that made it to the hot list. lol. Thanks for the support and telling me about the link. I really appreciate it.

Ah, I had come across your post last night. I'm just remembering now that I see it--it's all a steem-y blur. I upvoted it yesterday!

Thank you so much Jessica. I really appreciate the support. Look for the video on Tuesday or Wednesday of me getting the food and taking it to the food bank.
Thank you!!!

HAHA!!! I loved your post, I am new to steem and really felt identified I have been trying to figure out some interensting stuff to post. But sure when I wrote my first comment and recieved some Steem I was like WEHEEE!!! Thanks for the laughs

welcome to steemit and you just picked up a new follower. Just be patient. It will come. Just keep plugging away and find out what works for you. Good luck.

Thanks!! Following you too.

This is funny but true... I can feel you on this post. Followed you, hope to see more.

Thank you very much @arnel. I appreciate it and I am glad you got a good laugh. You too have a new follower.

Thanks for the follow. Steem on!

lol you made me laugh. You picked up a new follower.

Thanks i followed back . (i love "office" series)

I enjoyed your post, and hope to someday past Stage 10. For now, I'll enjoy the experience and friends I make. Upvoted your post that benefits the homeless.

You'll get past 10 soon enough! Thank you very much for the support on the homeless post. I really appreciate it.

Stage #10 is super unhealthy don't get caught up in refreshing the screen a million times.. lol


My takeaway? Chris Farley! Stephen Colbert!

HAHAHAHA! Farley is one of my all-time favorites.

Did you read his brother's book about him? "The Chris Farley Show" by Kevin (I believe) Farley. It was really good. It gave you some cool inside information about him, without being an exploitative cash grab. If not, you need to get to a library tomorrow.

No, I will read it though. That sounds awesome. I didn't even know. I appreciate it.

You'll love it I promise. And congratulations on making the hot list! I made it once thanks to a resteem by stndardwhiteguy :).

HAHAHAHHA standard white guy. that is funny. I guess you got that white privilege. lol

Hahah! Every one shares the same sentiment? 😂

lol, it kinda is. Thanks for replying. Welcome to Steemit. You have a new follower.

Thanks! Followed back!

Stage 11: Watching your post go viral

That is exactly that dance I will do

lol, that is actual live footage of me as a kid thinking about viral posts. lol Thanks for the support.

Stage 5, 6 and 7. That is all.

HAHAHAH, I can't tell you how many times I got excited thinking someone else voted quickly to only realize it was only me. AHAHAHA Thanks for reading and replying. You got a new follower.

What a great transition into the weekend. Thanks for the laughs.

You are very welcome! Thanks for reading. Hope you have a good weekend. You picked up a new follower!!!

Seems legit lol. I am slowly reaching the end

great posting ..If you dont mind , I want to translate into japanese..