Blowfish Studios Talks Projection: First Light
This weekend at PAX, Gamers Classified spoke to the artist behind Blowfish Studios' Projection: First Light, Yosha Noesjirwan. A game described as a "shadow puppet adventure", Gamers Classified got an inside look at the inspiration and elements of the upcoming adventure game.
Projection: First Light follows the story of Greta, a young girl who goes on an adventure through different cultures told through the medium of shadow puppets. On her path she is told stories of different cultures, from Indonesian, China, Turkey to the Victorian era of England.
Noesjirwan described to Gamers Classified how the style of puppetry was inspired by the Indonesian art of shadow puppetry known as Wayang.
Noesjirwan discussed his own Indonesian heritage and how, through research of the cultures included in the game, they avoided issues of cultural appropriation. Through this research, Blowfish Studios got into contact with internationally renowned puppeteer, Richard Bradshaw who assisted their research in the design and practical elements of puppeteering.
Culture is rich in Projection, and this raised the question about whether it could be used for educational purposes. The captivating art-style and gameplay could be used as a means to educate young people about world cultures. With games becoming more and more prevalent as a tool for education,Noesjirwan commented that with all of the research that went into Projection: First Light it could serve the purpose of education.
You can check out the full interview that Gamers Classified had below:
We also had the chance to interview Blowfish Studios, the team behind Projection: First Light, earlier this year. For further insight into the team behind the title and their other projects, you can check out that interview here.
Blowfish Studios is aiming for Projection to be available around February of 2019. They are aiming for release on all consoles, with a possibility of it being available as a mobile game.
For those with questions about the game or want to know more, there is an active hashtag on twitter to resolve your burning questions or check out their website here. Gamers with an interest in Projection can also currently wish-list it on Steam.